
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Monday Meanderings 8 - 26 - 2024

We've had a lovely week in the great DC area.  The weather was dry and relatively cool considering what most of the summer has been.  I'm not complaining about mid 80s and high 70s.  But wait.  Summer is going to give us another blast of heat this week.  It's suppose to be 100 degrees on Wednesday.  Can you say "to the basement to sew?" I'm hoping the forecast will change between now and Wednesday. But the basement is generally cool and comfortable even in extreme heat. 

I had a decent week working on goals.  For the most part I got something done on all my goals, even if I didn't finish most of them.


✅Cut a 3 yard quilt kit — not a 3 yard quilt but another kit ready.

✅Arrange and sew snowball blocks — first 2 rows sewn together (blocks that is!) 

✅Start a new quilt using a horizontal panel — trimmed panel and tried a couple of ideas.

✅Keep working on seaside top — Getting closer but not finished yet. 

Begin grands’ Christmas ornaments —  cut out and started sewing first one. 

Here's what the final snowball blocks layout looks.  I replaced one of the blocks that turned up so dark you couldn't see the shark in it. 

The blocks in the first two rows are sewn together although the pic was taken before sewing.  I tend to change the direction I iron the seam allowances of the corners so the blocks nest nicely together.  It's a pain to do but really makes the blocks fit nicely. 

I've started working on a small horizontal panel that I want to make into a senior quilt.  The guild prefers senior quilts at 40" x 60" approximately.  The panel is 24" (barely including the green section) by maybe 22" or so.  I was thinking of putting some 6" maple leaf blocks around it but they were too big.  So consulting with Beth and Sharon we came up with some ideas. Sharon suggested building up the width and then dealing with length as if it were a row by row. Beth and I liked the Villa Rosa pattern I have that might work. Here are two "maybes." 


I grabbed some squares from my 2.5" container to make some stacks of colors. Um, need to be more careful with colors.  And really, do I keep that fish square in?  It is the right colors but it will stick out just like the beige one below it does. 

I decided to try a strip of fabric and then add the squares. (2.5" unf. sqs.) Unfortunately I only have a fat quarter of that strip.  I may order a yard or so as it really works with the trees in the panel.  I might try bigger squares -- say 3.5" unf or even 4.5".  

Do you have a preference?  Or other suggestions?  I've got a whole folder on my computer dedicated to pics of panel quilts.  It turns out most of the panels are bigger with the length longer than the width. I messed with the photo and it seems a lot brighter in the second picture than in real life.  On the other hand, you can really see what it is.  I was given two of them but I didn't find the second one when I pulled this one out. Maybe I gave it away.  I know I didn't make anything with it! 

My goals for this week have been curtailed.  I started with about 6 or 7 items but realized I really want to get another top quilted.  Evidently, I didn't curtail that list. So I pushed some of the ideas to the side.  We'll see how I do. 


Quilt pink & turquoise Picket Fence top

Finish sewing snowballs together

Try some 3" squares on panel sides. Make decision on which size to use and cut them out. 

Keep working on grands’ ornaments 

Cut out another quilt kit or two

I made a couple of 6" Maple Leaf blocks to try on the panel.  It doesn't matter if I use them or not as they are being used at the October retreat as an opportunity block.  I'm either ahead of the game for the retreat or I'll put them to use on the panel at some point. Here are the two I made:

I had started a whole quilt of 8" Maple Leaf blocks using my Go die.  But I put those away for a while. I've got a trip to Sharon's planned for mid September so maybe 8" Maple Leaves may be kitted up along with the whole panel project to work on there. With retreat in October I'm going to need a goodly number of kits for both events.

My neighborhood has a craft group that meets twice a month.  I try to go when I can and I like the project.  Last week it was a cute pumpkin.  Here's a pumpkin patch --  some of the examples and the ones we made.  Mine is on the left side that is bright orange with orange and yellow polka dots. I brought supplies home to make two more so eventually I'll have a cute display for the dining room table. The big black thing is also a pumpkin but it was so big it overpowered the little pumpkins.  

I've been stitching everyday this week.  Yea! 

W/ending 8/25 — 238 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Aug = 24/24 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 229/238 days
  • Success rate = 96% 
Friday I posted my fabric ins and outs for June and July. I'm happy to report I've used 50.35 yards of fabric more than I've brought in this year!  Amazing.  I guess when I started quilting more top I used more fabric even though I often buy fabric for backings. Note- I only count fabric used in finished projects, blocks that I give away for whatever reason, or fabric given away. I do count my scraps by weighing them and converting them to yardage. It all adds up!  It definitely motivates me to finish a top so I can count the fabric as used! 

This week I'm linking up with Life in Pieces, Oh Scrap!, Design Wall Monday, and Monday Meandering.

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday Finishes! 8 - 23

Are you in shock?  I am!  But it's dawned on me that I haven't shared many of my quilts that have been finished this year.  So I thought I'd start showing some on Fridays.  

First up is a Happy Quilt. (I started using Mary's pattern (who shares lots of quilt patterns at Scroll down the right hand side until you come to Happy Quilts. There are several from which to choose.)  I have donated this one to my guild for community outreach. 

I used a red and white pillow ticking for the binding.  Many of these blocks came from my FCQ Equilters several years ago.  The quilting design is called Squiggle Wiggle from

I also finished the doll quilt I shared here and gave it to my local guild.  Scroll toward the bottom.  I forgot to measure it or take pictures until I was about to turn it in.  I took a quick picture on the floor so I could share it.

When I find other leftover little blocks I think I'll make some more doll quilts. They are fast and easy -- or at least this one was.  

Next up -- I finished recording my fabric usage statistics for June and July.  And, I'm really jazzed with the results!  (Which may save me once August is done and my big fabric acquisition numbers get added in!) 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out 


Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year













Would you look at that? I've used 50 yards more than I've brought in during 2024! Yee Haw!  🎉🎉🎉  Hopefully I'll get August done early in September. (Don't hold your breath! It's looking like it will be a busy month.) 

I'm linking up with the following Linky parties: Take some time to see what quilters across the world are working on: Midweek Makers,  Needle and Thread Thursdayand Finished or Not Fridays

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Monday Meanderings 8 - 18 - 2024

I've spent a lot of time in the studio this week. Part of the time I was reading but most of the time I was working on a project that was off list.  I used a cute alphabet fabric that was enough to make two baby quilts.  That was the easy part.  Then I cut strips to make Pat Sloan's String Bean quilt pattern. It took me forever! I know I have enough strips done for one quilt and I hope I have enough for the second one. I'm making a few quilt kits as I'm visiting Sharon in September and I have a retreat in October.  I figure it is better to start early so I have enough kits ready to go.  

Surprisingly, I was able to get just about everything done on my list too. 


✅Bind quilt — done! 

✅Sew snowballs — all snowballs done but some may need to be changed.

✅Keep working on seaside top — more stitching down and tying off done.

✅Finish knitting hat — knitting is done, time to sew it together. 

✅Put more fabric away — Some done, more to be put away.

Make a placemat or two — two basic placemats finished.

Here are the current snowballs.  I'm going to set it 6 x 6 so I made 18 more blocks. When I was done I realized I might have to redo a couple as they are too dark. 

I'm sure I'm going to replace number 3 on the 6th row.  It's black cats on dark purple... it reads black.  I'll find something else to replace it.  I haven't done all the moving around to get colors in the right place so that will happen this week.  Here's one of my favorite blocks: 

I've had this biker chicks fabric for a while -- I'm glad to be able to use some of it.  I laugh every time I look at it. 

Here's what I'll be working on this week. 


Cut a 3 yard quilt kit 

Arrange and sew snowball blocks 

Start a new quilt using a horizontal panel

Keep working on seaside top

Begin grands’ Christmas ornaments

I recently found the cutest kit to make some baby penguins in wool felt for my grands' ornaments.  I hope to get all four done in the next few months.  They are really small which should mean they'll sew up quickly.  I'll keep you informed. 

Here's a quilt I finished a few months ago.  I only took one decent picture of it as I didn't think about it until the sun was going down. These blocks were my rainbow challenge blocks from 2022.  It currently hangs in the family room.  I often make quilts around 42" square to hang on this holder.  I used Quick and Easy Swirls Edge to Edge quilting design by My Creative Stitches.  My thread is a white So Fine from Superior Threads.  I used my Accuquilt 9" Cube and Angles Companion Set.  

It's been another great week for stitching time.  Here are the stats!

W/ending 8/18 — 231 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Aug = 18/12 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 222/231 days
  • Success rate = 96% 
Behind the scenes I've been trying toMon figure out my fabric acquisitions and usage statistics.  I am trying to get both June and July numbers done.  For some reason, I'm having more fun making blocks and working to finish my tops so I haven't figured out how much I've used for those two months. Hopefully I'll finish the stats sometime this week and post them by Friday. (Ok, I know I'm not always great on follow through so don't be surprised if I report on Monday next!) 

There's only one thing left to do now -- sharing the Linky parties I participate in.  Enjoy reading Life in Pieces, Oh Scrap, Design Wall Monday, and Monday Musings.  

It's going to be a great week weather-wise. Let's hope it's just as good in the studio! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Monday Meanderings 8 - 12 - 2024

Debby, the hurricane, has passed by us.  Although our general region had huge amounts of rain, we saw less than 3".  Unfortunately we could have used more.  Humidity was awful for several days but this past weekend has been cooler and less humid.  I actually didn't go outside from Saturday early morning. I'll be out early for my walk tomorrow around 7:30 -- am! Have I mentioned I'm not a morning person?   

Luckily, I did get most of my goals completed this week.  I was wondering if I would miss my last goal by Saturday afternoon.  But I loaded up a quilt then and quilted it on Sunday. Here's what I was working on this past week. 


✅Bind Melodic Mystery — done. 

✅Prep magenta backing — done

✅Quilt and 👎🏼bind one of my quilts — quilting is done but not the binding. 

✅Sew snowball blocks then evaluate whether more blocks are needed — some done, more needed

Keep working on seaside top — more finished, but lots more to do 

First up is Flower Song, the top I quilted this weekend.  Here's a picture of it as I started it. I didn't remember that I used this same pattern on the last top I quilted.  

The quilting design is called Sunshine by Melony Caldwell available at Urban Elements.  I used lavender So Fine.  The fabric that I listed on my goals list to be made into a backing is the one I used for this quilt.  I had a different top planned but I really like the new one for this quilt. It is the same fabric as the top border but is magenta with colorful spots.  I'll be using it for the binding also. 

Here's a snap of my design wall -- it's full of blocks and too many odd things hanging from it! I should take a look at the stuff on the right and see if I can put some of it away. 

From left to right: snowballs, half log cabins, bowties, and junk of all sorts! But let's take a better look at the three projects up there. 

I decided that most of these blocks were animals or living beings so the rest of the blocks are going to be animals, bugs, and more living beings. I'm aiming for 36 blocks which would give me a 36" x 36" top -- perfect for a NICU quilt. I've got another 9 or 10 blocks cut and ready to sew.  Hopefully this will be a top by next week.  

I've cleared all of other Rainbow Scrap Challenge bowties off the wall.  These are the orange, blues and turquoise blocks.  It looks to me that most of these blocks look like turquoise more than blue.  I may add some more blues eventually.  But that will wait until all the colors have been called. 

Here are 8 blocks of half log cabin blocks.  I don't know how I'm going to set them but this is an idea. I have at least 18 more blocks ready to sew, with another smaller number already finished.  I have no idea what size I'll make the top in the end.  But I'm having fun making the blocks.  I've precut the strips to the necessary size and then I pick the pieces for each block and clip them together.  That makes it really easy to use these as leader enders. I know, that just sounds weird but it's working for me. 

This week I plan to try to get these goals done. 


Bind Flower Song quilt 

Sew snowballs, maybe sew top together

Keep working on seaside top

Finish knitting hat

Put more fabric away

Make a placemat or two 

Take some time to visit the following Linky parties.  It's fun to see what everyone is working on. (And, yes I get way too many ideas from checking these out!)  Stitching Stuff, Oh ScrapDesign Wall Monday, and Monday Musings.  

Here's my info on 15 minutes to stitch.  

W/ending 8/11 — 224 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Aug = 11/12 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 215/224 days
  • Success rate = 96% (rounded up from 95.98%) 
I found myself engrossed in my most recent book. In fact, I was reading it while Ruthie was quilting away.  I started it Saturday morning and I'm over 75% done as I write this Sunday night. I'm hoping I can finish it tonight without staying up half the night.  Oh, what's the name you ask?  It's The Book of Lost Names by Kristen Harmel. It is based on a true story of a young French woman who learns to be an expert forger in order to save lives of the many Jewish children left alone after their parents are arrested by the Nazis*. It's gripping reading and not surprising, has 4 1/2 stars on Amazon.  I've read quite a few historical fiction books this summer and found them very interesting. *From reading the author's notes about this book I realize the main characters are actually from her imagination.  However there were many people who through forging documents allowed children to escape to Switzerland.  I thought this was a new book however it was published in 2020.  It's still well worth the read. 

It's time to get back to my reading! 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Monday Meanderings -- 8 - 5 - 2024

What a week I had. I'm calling it the week of fabric acquisition.  Yea, I really needed more fabric.  Don't you?  I've been trying to not go wild buying fabric so I tend to just buy backing fabric. But there was a quilter's estate sale on Friday and I decided to go with a friend, chauffeured by Pat.  More about it later... 

Here's what I got done on my goals. 


✅Quilt one of my quilts — done!

✅Remove borders and replace with smaller borders of Forest Animals Easy Attic Windows quilt — done. 

✅Start another knit hat — started. 

✅Make RSC blocks for July and ✅ FCQ Equilter blocks — Most RSC blocks are done, all the FCQ Equilter blocks are ready to mail, and the last RSC block for July is ready to sew. 

Make more Kid’s snowball blocks, make into top as part of UFO Challenge — 9 blocks are ready to sew but nothing else was completed. 

Here are the snowball blocks that I am starting with: 

I realized that most of them are animals and I decided to pull as many animal prints I could find to go with them. Below are 9 more blocks ready to sew. I'll be sewing them this week. I may decide to sash them.  What do you think? Do you sash snowball blocks? I will probably need more than the ones I've planned to get it to a decent size for a kid.  Wait a minute... there are way more cat fabrics than dog fabric. I may have to find some more doggy fabric to use! 

These pieces are ready to sew into my RSC bowties.  Orange for August. And, two of these oranges are from the fabric acquisition trip! 

I thought I would show all of the sea glass blocks I finished this week with the group from last week.  I'm hoping these work with the ones others send. I think most of the aqua/turquoise ones will work but some of the gold ones may be too dark.  

Next week I'm trying to finish all of these. 


Bind Melodic Mystery

Prep magenta backing

Quilt and bind one of my quilts

Sew snowball blocks then evaluate whether more blocks are needed

Keep working on seaside top

So, about that fabric acquisition trip... 

This was the fabric available the second day.  (I borrowed this pic from a guild email, so thanks either Boni or Nancy T, and Bea who sent it out to the guild.) My gang made it fairly early on the first day. I had planned what I was looking for: backings, yellow, and orange.  I was able to get 2 pieces big enough for backing, and a few yellows and orange.  But I went a bit crazy grabbing dog fabrics, Laurel Burch pieces, an Eric Carle piece, and a patriotic snowmen panel.  Here are some pics: 

Mostly dog fabrics.

Yellows, oranges and Laurel Burch fabrics.

Blue for a backing and Patriotic Santa panel.

My fabric weighed in at 5 pounds -- $3.00 a pound = $15 for all the fabric shown. I measured it all and it came to approximately 19 yards. I think they rounded down when figuring the price. I might have found more if I realized I wasn't spending all that much!  On the other hand, I'm not sure where I'm going to store all of this new stuff. 

And just because I didn't find a lot of backing fabric pieces I hit up another good sale at JoAnns.  I think both of these fabrics came out about $4.50 a yard not including tax. The magenta will be a backing and the green stripe will be the binding on my Melodic Mystery quilt. They were both Fabric Traditions products. I've already cut the green for the binding and hope to get it on this week. 

As I was prepping my 15 Minutes of Stitching, I realized I had to make a decision about my day shopping Friday. Was that part of my stitching concept?  Or was I going to stick with either stitching of working with my fabric?  I decided to go with the 2nd idea -- I need to be working in my studio or actually stitching on something.  So I missed one of the stitching days this week. But I'm really pleased with how much I'm working in my studio and/or stitching. (I really need to "do the dishes" as Bonnie Hunter says. That means dealing with the bits and pieces left over from cutting quilts or blocks out.)

W/ending 8/4 — 217 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 6/7 days
  • 15 minute days/July = 31/31days
  • 15 minute days/Aug = 3/4 days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 208/217 days
  • Success rate = 95.8% 
I'm linking up with my regular parties: Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Design Wall Monday, and Monday Musings.

That's it for me.  I'm looking forward to a cooler week and lots of stitching time. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie