
Monday, September 29, 2008

Weekend Travels

Quilt info at the bottom!

What a weekend.  We watched our guys in the Jerseyman Triatholon. Kevin, on the left, did a half marathon. 1.2 mile swim, 56 miles on the bike, and 13.1 mile run. Brian, sil on right, did the sprint: 1/4 mile swim, 16 miles on the bike and a 3.1 mile run. Wow.  They did really well.  This was taken just after Kevin finished, Brian had already had his shower and eaten. (Think of the calories these races burn!) 

It wasn't quite as great for the audience.  It was delayed due to thunder (I never heard any) and drizzled or rained the whole day. The dogs were drenched.  Cassie has a backpack to carry her own supplies. 
 She had a mullet wig on for about 30 seconds.   Kona just hung around being wet, as did all the people. Luckily it wasn't cold just wet.  Aimee gave Kevin his own 1/2 triathlon award.   After Kevin chowed down on a burger we all went our own ways.  

The drive back to Pennsylvania was awful! It poured buckets the whole way or so it seemed. There was a lot of standing water and it was slow going.  We didn't stop just kept going until the garage beckoned! 

The good thing about traveling is visiting new quilt stores.  Jenny and I went to Kindred Quilts on Main Street in Clinton.  It was a bit hard to find because there are 2 main streets but we finally found it just as we were going to give up. I bought a piece of background fabric on sale. Jenny bought more bright colors.  (Remember that baby quilt a while back?)  They have several fun sounding classes.  How does Stash Pot Pie sound to you?  Or Fun and Done? First Edition lets you in at the beginning of a new pattern.  All of these appeal to me. Hum, how far away am I from this store?  I may have to make a return trip for one of these classes.   

Next door was a great shop that sold nautical art, sail boat model ships and flags.  We got a new one for winter that says Let It Snow.  Hopefully, we aren't dooming ourselves!  

Happy quilting -- I'm hoping to get a little actual quilting done. Bonnie 

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