
Monday, October 6, 2008

Airing of the Quilts II

Here are a couple of additional photos from the Airing of the Quilts in Tunkhannock.  This was an amazing Victoria house in wonderful condition.  From the little I know of Victorian architecture, etc., it is even painted correctly.  What an awesome place. 

There were quilts on the metal fence around this house.  Look at the windows over the porch.  They were unique. 

Other interesting parts of this day was this moose we ran across right off of the main street.  Hum, what to do with your propane tank when you can't afford the propane? 

And what, exactly do you say to this sign?  I was so involved looking at it and snapping a picture I didn't even think of looking at the store behind it.  Was it a furniture store?  I don't think it was an undertakers!  I'll have to check it out next time I get to Tunkhannock. 

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