
Monday, October 13, 2008

Ripit, ripit! Another Time

Today I was ready to put together a couple more strips for the strata that will become a trip around the world.  I have 4 strata complete (24  2" strips.)  As I was rooting around in the bin with fabrics I couldn't find anymore of one of the strips.  Instead I found 8 strips of green/reddish fabric.  Oops.  I put 2 of the same strips in the first 4 strata.  So, I'm frog stitching!  I've got the strip out of two of the strata.  I've got the correct one sewn back in one of the strata.  Tonight I will unstitch the other 2 strata.  The duplicate strips are number 4 and 8 from the bottom.  They don't look that obvious but I don't have enough fabric to finish the other strata I will need so I have to rip! 

I also made the parts for 4 more of the blocks that I started this weekend.  Tomorrow, more work on both projects.  
Happy quilting all!  Bonnie

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