
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

All Time Low High Temperature

Does that make any sense at all?  Well, according to the local news today's high temperature is the lowest for this day since 1955.  (It was 30 degrees and normal is 48!) Overnight it is suppose to be in the teens tonight and over the next few nights.  Looking at the 7 day forecast there were little snowflakes showing on 6 of the 7 days!  Wait, it's too early for snow!  Of course, so far, none is suppose to accumulate more than an inch or two.  Phew, safe for a bit longer. 
A couple of days ago I showed you one of these blocks in progress.  Now I have two done to send to the guild in Maryland.  Ooooh, I hope I win these babies.  I really like them.  And they look quite complicated but they really aren't.  I figure they could be laid out similar to log cabin blocks -- a dark and a light side so there are lots of ways to build a quilt if you have enough of them. 

I was all set to baste another quilt today at the Wednesday quilt day.  Oops.  The fabric I had thought to use for the backing was about 5" to narrow.  Ok, on to Plan B.  So, I was going to turn the binding on Stripper's Mystery.  I took some polyester turquoise thread.  Now, I am not one to use much polyester on quilts, I've had problems in the past. My thoughts today were, hey, it's a wall hanging.  It's for turning the binding. How much trouble could I get into here.  Evidently a lot!  The thread I had grabbed was a very fine thread and it just didn't feel sturdy enough.  After 1 needle full of thread I put that aside.  Plan C was to work on a Christmas quilt that I have (or haven't as the case might be) been quilting on for a few years.  Oops -- didn't grab the thread for that.  Which left Plan D -- knit on the socks.  YEAH I had everything!  I am now at the toe of the second sock.  Woo Hoo!  I will probably finish this sock in the next day or two!!  Yippee.  Something started and finished in less than a year!  

My next dilema.  Do I start another knitting project or do I do more hand quilting on the Christmas quilt? I have a nice tubular head scarf I want to make -- pattern and yarn are already in the house (hey, I'm thinking of using something from the yarn stash!) But, I am having some difficulty finding the right needles.  Maybe I'll review my needles again tomorrow. 

Tomorrow's plans:  probably a load of laundry.  And finish Stripper's Mystery.  You'll get to see a picture then.  Finish the sock in the afternoon or evening.  Figure out a backing for the wall hanging for the bedroom -- it matches the pillow shams I showed a couple of days ago.  I might even try to baste that here as I won't be going to Wed. Quilters next week.  And something new for dinner, maybe ... or frozen pizza... I'll see how I feel about it.  

Have a happy and PRODUCTIVE quilty day! Bonnie

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