
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Basting Success

I took 3 quilts to the Wednesday group to baste today.  And, they all got basted!  Woowee!  Of course, not everything ran smoothly. 

This morning I still had to piece the backing of a lap quilt.  But I had bought more than enough fabric to make the backing.  So, I measured the quilt top, I measured the backing. I ripped the piece to the correct size.  Except, it wasn't the correct size!  It was too small.  So, I remeasured the quilt, the backing and then tried to add some more. I needed 7" or so I thought. I cut it 14"  but some how it didn't end up that big.  Then, I tried to sew the short ends together so I could add it to the bigger piece.  Well, somehow I sewed the long sides together but I realized it before I sewed all 43". Ripped that out, sewed the small sides. Ironed the thing and then sewed it onto the backing.  It fit but there isn't a lot of extra fabric hanging around.  Sheesh!  

I had the other pieces ready to baste.  One is a pillow sham. The other is a small quilt I made at a class. I think it was called Stripper's Mystery.  The class was taught by Gyleen Fitzgerald. She's a great teacher and a lot of fun.  The cool part is people ended up with very different looking quilts.  I'll post pictures when I finish it.  This quilt has been quilted once and then I ripped the stitches out because I didn't like how it looked.  This time I will stitch in the ditch and let the fabric shine.  Oh well.  

1 comment:

  1. Bonnie, will you be handquilting your quilts? You do such beautiful work!

    How's the weather in PA? We are having a beautiful day here in central NY. The sun is coming out and it supposed to reach the high 50s.


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