
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stripper's Mystery Is Done

As I have been blogging about almost being done for several days I am proud to announce the Stripper's Mystery is done! (And, that includes the label!) It really isn't all that big but sometimes I just put things aside cause I get bored. (How one could get bored with this bright cutie is beyond me... but I did have a full time job up until June!) This is from May 2006.  Now to find a place of honor to hang it for a while.  Probably will go in the studio for a while. It really is way too bright for the rest of the house.... although maybe in one of the guest bedrooms!  

I didn't actually do anything up in the studio yesterday -- nor have I today, yet, but I will.  I did some ripping yesterday and today I am ready to get on with some resewing and then doing the bumble bee blocks. We mailed off a blanket for Project Linus, some blocks for Heartstrings and the Stars and Stripes for the quilt guild drawing in a couple of weeks. So now, without further ado -- I'm out of here!  Happy quilting! Bonnie 

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