
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Success! A Small Finish

I am snoopy dancing!  I have finished one of the pillow shams that I have been fussing around with for a month. (Or so it seems.) Today I quilted the piece that I basted on Wednesday.  Then, having a couple more hours of sewing time left I started putting together the other sham.  In a little less than two hours I had the sham done and on a pillow. Phew, it fit. Even though I was using a sham I had taken off the pillow as a pattern I was still slightly worried that I might have measured something wrong. It is on the bed.  It isn't bad with the coral bedspread but I did order a new matalesse coverlet in khaki.  It should be here by the end of the week.  I plan on finishing the other sham tomorrow before I allow myself to do anything else!  YEAH -- the end is in sight on this project.  I still have a wall hanging to baste and then quilt that matches the shams.  Maybe that will be my project on Wednesday at the quilt group. 

Before I did the sham I put together this block for Faithful Circle Quilter's November opportunity Block of the Month.  FCQ is my guild in Columbia, Maryland.  I still am a member but obviously I don't get to the meetings often.  I like to do these to try different blocks and to use little pieces of fabric up.  I don't remember the guild ever asking for 2 blocks from one of these boms but they did on this.  The extra blocks are going to be made into quilts for veterans.  What a great way to get some nice blocks.  I need to applique the star and trim the block.  And, then I need to find some more red strips and do another block.  Not a hard block at all.  

I've had a happy quilting day.  I hope you do too!  Bonnie 

1 comment:

  1. I love your pillow shams. Do you also make a quilt to make? Nice work. Thanks for sharing.


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