
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Tuesday

Finished last night-- Streak of Lightning quilt.  It's been a top for years until used as a practice piece on the long arm in February.   Then it aged a bit more. Finally decided it needed to be put to use so I put the binding on.  I had planned to do it all by machine and be done with it but there was no brain engaged that day.  So I had to hand stitch the other side.  It sat around a few days before I finally did it.  This will eventually go to Project Linus. 

We got our new cell phone today.  Blasted cell phones.  I somehow broke the connector on the last one.  So, we were able to change carriers in hopes of getting better coverage at home.  New phone in different state means new phone number  too.  Oh well.  Hopefully it really will offer better coverage.  Won't know until tomorrow though. 

Last week I finished all of the items on my quilty to do list.  Amazing. Perhaps I am getting more realistic on what I want to do.  Won't have a really long one this week as it's already Tuesday and I'm just now thinking about it and we'll be down in Maryland over the weekend.  The (future) Dr. Jen has her last recital for her doctoral program.  Wow! Next month we will be down again for her graduation and becoming Dr. Jen for real!  Who would have thought that she would continue her interest in the french horn from 6th grade through a doctorate!  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 

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