
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Behind the Closed Door . . .

Going into the door 

Behind the door. . . 

"I was framed!  I didn't do it!  Aren't I a cute dog?  Remember Mom, I'm a cute dog!"

Hum, is that ANOTHER Longaberger basket lost to another dog?  ARGH.  

That crate can't come fast enough.  And, no, I don't think this is a 2 year-old.  I'm bettting he is under 2 by a good 6 months.  No more freedom for me until the weekend when the crate arrives.  

I hope everyone is having luck getting their comment on the blog site.  I'm going to be taking care of that tomorrow.  Won't get it mailed until either the crate arrives or the weekend.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Not a Longaberger basket! Yikes, I would definitely be crying if one of my baskets was ruined.

    He is definitely a cutie, but even cute has its limits. I hope that crate arrives soon.

  2. Such a very very familiar tail, er.... I mean tale. We have five rescues and they all have something they target, but the one that seems the messiest is when the chihuahua finds a newspaper.

    Who needs an electric shredder.... she's a natural. Now if she could just figure out which is the "read" pile and the "unread" pile.... my husband would be much happier.

    Pat your cute puppy for me - he's for sure got he "cute" part NAILED!!


  3. a cutie ,maybe locked up in the bathroom?
    wow you have your hands full!

  4. Yeh, Please sign me up for your giveaway. I've visited your blog many times and always love the eye candy you put on display. Even the most recent messy photos.
    But how could you be mad at that?
    He's so cute. Jane

  5. Hmmm....with pics like that, how could Dad be mad!


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