
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Worn Out

It's been a fun day but I am totally worn out!  My floors are really hard (they are beautiful cherry wood but ... not much "give" to them.)  I wore an older pair of tennis shoes -- support must be gone!  And, I wanted to quilt all day! 

I got my first little quilt done on my new Nolting 18, now named Ruthie after my beloved grandmother.  The first thing I did after I got the quilt, backing and batting loaded was change the thread color on Ruthie.  It shouldn't have given me grief cause it was the same thread top and bottom.  But, no, tension was messed up.  I played. I got it ok. And I got one pass done quilting. Then I rolled the quilt forward and the tension went hay wire again.  

Sounded like a good time to take a rest and do some laundry.  And, fix dinner.  I decided I would fuss with the bottom tension.  Tried again and voila! It worked.  Not 100% perfect but not so bad.  I think my first purchase is going to be a tension checker... called a Towa, I believe. 

Pictures of the quilt will come later after I get the binding on which is ready to go.  I'm driving back to Maryland for another visit with Jen.  We are having a mini sewing retreat and going to my Maryland guild's end of year party.  I mostly plan to do hand stuff but may make some more blocks for the million block quilt.  I'll keep you posted.  Raggs is staying home with Pat.  We'll see how he does.  

Happy Quilting All


  1. How sweet it is - hey! Good for you even with sore feet.

  2. I so envy you. I wish I had a machine like yours. My hubby will blow a gasket if I bought one! I can't wait to see your quilt.

  3. I am tired just reading about all you have done today.

    Soon you will have that machine under your command and will be turning out quilts........


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