
Monday, June 22, 2009

Long Arm Artistry

Saturday was the long arm group in North East Pennsylvania. Well, that also included New York and usually some from New Jersey too. After getting some good information on binding, gadgets and adding backing fabric if you run out, Barbara Tibus began showing us some info about feathers using her long arm. The ink area was an example of an unusual area that needed to be filled and how Barbara would go about filling it. Evidently I didn't take a picture of the one done of a sawtooth border. Rats.

Barbara entered this whole cloth quilt in a show in New York and came away with a first place in whole cloth quilts. You may want to click on it to see the details a little better. I've uploaded it at a high resolution so you can see the details. She also told us how she went about planning the quilt. I forget how long it took her to do this one but it was in the hundreds of hours. YIKES. I may someday try a miniature whole cloth but I could never do on this size! I will show some more pictures of it coming posts. It's hard to get the photos where I want them with such big files so will hold off on the other pics til a later post.

Hope this has inspired you and filled you with awe. I doubt if I'll get to that level but I know I am getting better with each little quilt I do!

Happy Quilting All


  1. Wow, what fascinating photos. I've never thought much about the planning that goes into longarm quilting. Even though I admire the talent of the quilters I have used, I definitely have taken their skills for granted. Thank you for giving me a new perspective.

  2. that is an understatement..Wonderful!!!



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