
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Snazzy Doggie

Raggs went to Bark Avenue to be groomed today. He is now quite the snazzy doggie!



He looks so much better. He now has a "cocker" cut. Cocker's leg hairs don't feather the way a springer's do. All I know is he looks great. I was thinking I was going to have to tie his hair out of his eyes if I didn't get him groomed soon. Bark Ave. is set up so nicely. The dogs have a nice play area where they can hang out together with toys and little building they can climb into while they wait their turn. I think he must have had a great time because he is exhausted -- fast asleep on the floor!

While he was having his fun, I was chatting and sewing with my Wednesday quilters. I missed last week so was happy to be able to go this week.

For those of you who asked about the batting scissors I will try to post pictures on one of the upcoming postings.

Happy Quilting All.


  1. Nothing like a trip to the beauty shop to raise the self esteem!


  2. hi Bonnie,
    my American Cocker lady "Nelli" looks like a sister of Raggs and do need a fresh haircut urgently as well! greetings from Brigitte, German living in Poland right now


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