
Friday, July 31, 2009

Yikes! Where did the week go?

I can't believe I haven't blogged since Tuesday. So what have I been doing --
Wed Group -- worked on a baby sweater and a little bit on A Tisket, A Tasket block
Thursday -- Finished binding on a happy quilt that is going to one of Pat's coworkers, worked on Sarah's quilt (hum, college starts in 3 or 4 weeks ... I need to get going on this one) volunteered at the library
Today -- back to the studio to work on Sarah's quilt, finish the binding on the purple four patch

What is a blog without pictures? Today I share two more quilts from my friend Marie's collection. These are doll size quilts and I love both of them! The first one is based on a 1 to 2 ratio and is a study in light, medium and dark. The rectangles are 1.5" by 3" finished. And starting in the upper left corner you can either go down or across to see medium and then dark. I may have to make one of these quilts myself. How cool is this?
I don't know much about this next one. Another quilt to put on my want to do list. I enjoy how quilts "talk to me" and make me want to do one also. Don't hold your breath to see me making these two any time soon. My plate is full!

Oh yes, we live in blueberry country and the farmers are having bumper crops of them. I bought these a little too early in the season but I froze some of them anyway. These aren't even local but I plan to get local ones over the next few weeks and freeze them too. This year they are bigger and sweeter than in past years. We've had lots of rain and recently have been seeing the sun.

I've surfed, blogged and had breakfast -- time to get going to the studio.

Happy quilting all!


  1. Great quilts..yummy blueberries..I love them so much!

    Isn't is amazing how a week can fly by?


  2. Missed you!

    The quilts are very nice to look at, and I am like you - have a very full plate of project in progress...

    Love blueberries. Can't have enough of them. We buy them in season and freeze them too. We keep saying we want to plant some blueberry bushes because they have some that grow well in the heat. Next year maybe....


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.