
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Crowing! Just a Bit . . .

Remember my Hanky Quilt? We got them back at the guild meeting last night. Notice the little extra thing hanging on it? YEP! I got a 2nd Place for this little baby. WAY Cool.

And, isn't this the cutest ribbon? Judy, the chairwoman of the challenge, made the centers from another hanky. My quilt earned 76 out of 80 points. Woot! Woot! Truth be told there were only 8 entries. There were 3 or 4 awards for best color, best use of the hanky, etc. I was beginning to think I would get nothing cause I didn't get one of those. But, my number was called for 2nd place and I was thrilled. The only other time I've had one of my quilts judged I received an honorable mention.

News on the Sarah quilt. All but 2 sides of the last border are on. The backing is ironed and ready to be pieced. I've got to get another piece of fabric ready to run down the middle of the back. And, in a bit of spare time I pieced more of my leaders and enders quilt. All the blocks are ready to be sewn into rows. I guess I'll keep on working on them in hopes of finishing them this month. Wow, could I actually get two decent quilts finished in one month!

Happy Quilting All!


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