
Monday, August 31, 2009

If You See One, Are There Others to Follow?

When we took Raggs for a walk last evening I grabbed this leaf off the driveway. WAIT it isn't even September! YIKES. It such a wonderful red -- I love it. We had such a wet summer we should see a lot of leaf colors this fall.

I'm off to work on the binding of my wonky 9 patch. Not sure what is up tomorrow. Our work date fell apart because I forgot about a meeting. We did move a little furniture and hung the thread rack. Pat will be cutting a piece of furniture into two pieces. But, that will be done over a couple of weeks.

Happy Quilting All!


  1. Oh I can't wait for fall. I'm so sick of hot, humid weather.

    Cutting a piece of furniture in half..I'm curious.


  2. A few rogue leaves are falling here too. The ones in my yard are a boring yellow and not a gorgeous red.

    Sadly, summer's days are numbered.


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