
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday Quilting Back on Schedule

My Wednesday group took a two week break. But we were back yesterday -- great to see everyone! The noise level was amazing -- I guess we had lots to yack about. And, we had some great show and tell. I really like this scrap quilt. I may have to figure this one out to make myself. What appears to be little circles of light is actually circles on the fabric. They certainly didn't stick out like they do here.
We went to the local fair -- GDS Fair -- the initials stand for the local townships that participate. I was surprised there weren't more quilts exhibited. Maybe next year I should enter one. Of course, the display space is minimal. Lots of crocheting and knitting though. Unlike the Minnesota State Fair there wasn't much being sold on a stick -- only thing we found was turkey on a stick. It didn't take us long to see the 5 horses, several cows and bunches of chickens and roosters. Unfortunately, this is a very small fair but we enjoyed the beautiful weather and seeing the exhibits.

Not much else going on around here. I am making some blocks for my FCQ Equilter group. I am late getting the blocks done but I was focusing on some other quilts. Unfortunately, these don't go fast with something around 35 pieces in each block. I'll get them done by early next week. No quilting tomorrow... we're off to the big city to hit a bunch of different stores -- Joannes, Borders, Target, Wegmans....

I still owe you a picture of the finished Wonky 9 Patch. I'll try to remember to take the pic tomorrow. Until then Happy Quilting All!

1 comment:

  1. I like the scrap quilt with the circles: it's very colorful


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