
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can I Use More Fabric Than I Acquire in 2009?

It is looking good that I can actually USE more fabric than I acquire. Here is November's fabric report.

Fabric used: 7.5 yards

Fabric purchased: .75 yards

Net fabric USED from stash: 6.75 yards whoop, whoop!


Year to date fabric used: 83.25 yards

Year to date fabric purchased: 85.125 (85 1/8ths) yards

Net Year to date USED from stash :(1.875 or 1 and 7/8th) yards

I am getting SO close to using more fabric than I brought into the studio this year. If I can just finish one quilt during December I will be way ahead ... well, maybe 5 yards ahead! But, I will be focusing on quilting Jenny's king size quilt in December. I'm sure if I weren't so new to this I could get this quilted in a week. But, I've got to learn a new technique and then quilt this monster. Today I have loaded a practice quilt and I will be trying a ruler. I'll keep you posted. If what I try works I will then load the monster quilt -- 117.5 x 117". That is about the max that Ruthie can take. You will be hearing more about this over the next week or so. (And, Jenny, I'll post a few pictures as I get going on it.)


1 comment:

  1. You go girl..If I tried a zillion times I could not ever bust my stash.

    In need professional intervention.


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