
Friday, December 4, 2009

Monster Day 2

The monster quilt is on Ruthie and the quilting has been started.

I am using a ruler to guide the machine. It takes a bit of getting used to but it does give nice oval shapes around the squares. This isn't the ruler I should be using. I found a ruler on the internet that is an oval with lines on it and that would have been perfect. But this ruler is on loan and you can't beat the price! I need to acquire the oval as I like this look on squares. I think I need to try the other rulers that were loaned to me. FYI the rather blue looking thing in this picture of me working is the ruler.

Here's the plan to get this thing done. And, wow, if I stick with it I'll be done before I know it. The quilt is basically made up of 4 squares with in square units surrounded by red sashing. Today I got one row within the red sashing done. (hum 6 of these big blocks per row and 6 rows = 36 units.) Ruthie is a petite little gal and I can only do half of the block on each pass. My plan is to get two of the red sections done each day which means only 4 passes. Should take 3 more days. Of course, I might get a wild hair and just keep working on it and get it all done faster. Nothing will get done on Sunday as we have commitments all day long.
Ta dah! A finished section! You can't tell but the same curved shape is on the inside of each square too. Black thread on the black fabric. By the time I am done with this I think I just might be an expert on this ruler. We newbies are always amazed when we see folks whipping around their rulers! (string is hanging off the one of the circles in the right hand pic.)

So, Jenny, when you have time make up your binding cause this thing will be done by the time you come up. And, I am knotting and burying some of the threads but I will probably leave some for you to do also. You can cuddle under this and tie away one day while you are here. Once you get this on the bed no one is going to be able to move as it weighs a ton!

I also got the third Christmas stocking done. I'm making stockings for the kids so Santa Claus can leave them some presents. I'll be putting the names on later by hand (or I'll pin the names written on paper on the cuff if I run out of time!) One more and I can go back to doing other things like sewing mystery #11 from Mysteries for Relay together. The blocks are sewn in rows I just need to press seams and put it together.

Happy Quilting All! Snow is forecasted for tomorrow so a great excuse to stay in an quilt!


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