
Monday, January 4, 2010

Final Stashbusting Results for 2009

First, remember my kids sabotaged me over Christmas. And, yes, I love all the fabric they gave me so I guess I shouldn't complain too loudly. Here's the final fabric usage report.


Fabric used: 7.75 yards

Fabric purchased (acquired) : 6.625 yards

Net fabric USED from stash: 1.125 yards (yea!!!)


Year to date fabric used: 91 yards

Year to date fabric purchased: 91.75 yards

Net Year to date USED from stash :(.75) yards

Not too bad even if I didn't really use more fabric than I acquired. I had planned to count the string X quilt as finished in 2009 however, I still haven't finished sewing down the binding. That will be counted in 2010. It will give me a nice start to the year! I was trying to decide if I was going to continue keeping track of my stash usage. Yep! You'll continue to see monthly reports of my fabric usage. Some folks ask why I do this. I think it helps me to use what I have rather than buy new. And, it really helps me to not buy random pieces of fabrics. Of course, I'm spending time piecing backings because of this but I AM using fabrics.

I'm working on a new quilt -- Fabricholics Anonymous' New Year's Eve 2009 Mystery quilt. I didn't start it until after the mystery was over so I'm not following the clues exactly. I have three blocks done cause I really wanted to see how my fabrics looked in the pattern. This will become my winter quilt to hang in the stairs area. Hopefully this will be done in January -- while we still have some snow.

Next blog I'll need your input on the setting for some blocks I have. Hopefully, it won't be another week before I blog.

Happy Quilting All!


  1. I agree that keeping a tally is a good motivator for using stash rather than purchasing more supplies.

    Keeping track of the yarn and fabric I use has inspired me to use even more of my stash.

  2. Even if you don't use more than you buy, it is good to know how much we are using/buying.

    I would have never thought that I purchase over 100 yards annually, but boy were my eyes opened wide!

    Keep up the good work.


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