
Sunday, February 28, 2010

A February Finish

I've finished 2 quilts this month. Unfortunately one is only a small quilt but it is really cute. (So says me!) I belong to Small Quilt Talk sponsored by Kathy Tracy. We had a challenge to pick a small quilt from her book, Prairie Children and Their Quilts. I chose the Prairie Baskets. The red is more subdued than this photo shows and the baskets are a double pink. Unfortunately, I really like it -- I was thinking of donating it for a silent auction for Faithful Quilters' show in late April. Hum. I may have to rethink that!

Here's the quilt being cuddled by a bear on a chair.

And, remember the Tale of Two Elephants from a few days ago. Here is the poor elephant as of Saturday morning. For those of you not sure what you are seeing, that little mound of snow in front of a hill of snow is the top of a ceramic elephant.

We've continued to get snow. We think we got another 2 to 3" today off and on.

ENOUGH already!

Tomorrow I hope to get the Plaza del Sol quilt on to Ruthie and at least started. And, Heidi -- yours is up next.

Think Spring! And Happy Quilting All!


  1. Adorable little quilt!

    I'm sick of snow and winter, too.

  2. Your little quilt is adorable!
    I just got that book from my sister-in-law and haven't had a chance to read it yet.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.