
Monday, February 1, 2010

First 2010 Stash Report

I'm keeping up with my stash reports -- it does motivate me to use up fabric rather than acquire more. Hey, if I make a good dent in the fabric then I'll have room to buy new fabric!


Fabric Acquired: 2 1/4 yards
Fabric Used: 7 1/8 yards.

NET FABRIC USED 4 7/8 yards

That's a great start. Hum, should I also try for a 100 yards used year? I figure I would have to use about 8 1/2 yards a month. Last year I used 91 yards so that is definitely doable. I'll keep you posted.

Here's a review of my finished projects for January. Hum, one quilt and a tote bag. Doesn't look like all that much does it? But I don't count fabric used until the quilt is finished. Some months I will have quite a few finishes and some will be quilts in progress. Hopefully everyone will see some things to inspire your own quilting.
String X Quilt

Tote bag from Connecting Threads kit.

Happy Quilting All!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot compared to the projects I finished in January: I've been a total sloth!

    I like the X-string quilt. Nice job!


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