
Monday, March 8, 2010

Pinwheel Party

If you visit this blog directly rather than through Google Reader or some other reader you might notice that really nice button with pinwheels. I've jumped into another little project. If you visit Twiddletails you will be able to join the Pinwheel Party also. So here's the deal - every week Anina will be posting a pinwheel block for you us to make. The block instructions are free the first two weeks after being posted. If you miss one you can actually buy it, if you need to. After 12 weeks all the blocks will be done. She will be posting the borders and sashing the 13th week.. So, Blogetts, do you want to join me? I figure I can squeeze one block in a week. I'm sure you can too. Of course, I am already a week late. And, I don't have my fabric picked out. And, it uses 3 YARDS of backing. I may have to buy that much yardage. But, come on we can do it. Sign up. Join me.

I don't think I've shown you a picture of the finished New Years Eve 2009 Mystery. Taa dah!
That yellow and purple sure isn't very subtle is it? Hum. I like this little quilt. And, the pattern is great for setting off special fabric.

Here's a close up of one block that you can actually see the quilting on it. I tend to like light quilting rather than lots of quilting. So, of course, I quilted lightly. I may have to go back and add a little quilting in the purple/yellow sections next to the focus fabrics. I was thinking of appliqueing mittens there or perhaps just using 2 strands of
embroidery floss to stitch a mittens there.

I have gotten pretty good at those little oval shapes around a block. I use a ruler to do those. I haven't been brave enough to do it freehand yet. Well, actually on one of these I did and wasn't pleased with the out come. So, back to ruler.

The Plaza del Sol is coming along again. I hope to have it finished tomorrow. I've been rather lazy the last few days. I've been trying to finish a knitting project -- it is a hood to wear when the weather is bitter cold. I figure I'll finish it and winter will have already ended. But, it will be ready for next winter. And, I used some of my yarn stash. (Yes, I have yarn stash...) It would have been great the nights we walked Raggs and it was 15 degrees out! I think next up on the needles will be another pair of socks. I'm going to try knitting two socks at once. I'm pretty sure I bought the correct needles last year. I know I have two more skeins of sock yarn. I should be good to go.

Next up on Ruthie -- Heidi's pineapple quilt. Pictures to come when it's being worked on. You can see one of the blocks here. Oh fudge, I can't find it and I am pretty sure I posted one of the blocks. So, hold your horses and I'll put pics up when I get it loaded. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll actually be starting on it.

I'm off to finish listening to a book on my mp3. It will drown out the dripping of melting snow. Tomorrow's plans include finishing Plaza del Sol. Let's hope I actually DO it.

Happy Quilting All!

Hey, did you see I learned how to do a strike through?

1 comment:

  1. Your mystery quilt is cheerful and makes me smile. Nice job, and good luck with your new challenge.


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