
Thursday, March 18, 2010

We interrupt this blog . . . for an Important Announcement

Pat and I were given a nicely wrapped box by Jenny and Brian a while ago. And, when we opened it this darling onesie was in it. I figured out immediately what was meant by it -- it took Pat a minute to tumble to what was going on. Yippee! We're going to be grandparents some time late in August. (we've been so good not letting the info slip until given the go ahead!) So I am now dreaming of little sweaters to knit, a nice quilt to make, may be an outfit or two to sew. (Yes, I would sew clothing for a grandbaby!) Hum, now we just need to know what variety of baby will be moving in with Jen and Brian.... perhaps a lovely lilac for a girl and a nice blue for a boy.... And, if you are wondering about the reference to Trojans -- Pat and I both went to the University of Southern California so of course we are still great fans. I can just see Pat and baby snoozing through football this fall.
These blocks are the latest request for the FCQ Equilters. I was very good about getting them done early. They went in the mail yesterday and they aren't due until the end of April.

Hum, what else have I been doing?
lots of playing on the computer.... biggest time waster there is although, honestly it's fun for me.

shopping for maternity clothes and a bit of fabric ... Jen's in town.

quilting on Plaza del Sol ... I'm going to turn it so I can do the side borders.

helping Jen quilt on Ruthie ... she brought a quilt to finish the borders and quilt. She's loaded it on Ruthie and made one pass so far.
finishing a book ... The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club by Gil McNeil.

almost finishing a knitting project ... I've another 1/2" to knit (or until I run out of yarn) to finish it. Of course, now the weather is too warm for the hood.... but there is always next year.

housework ... not so much. Seesh, every time Raggs goes out he gets soaked and there are wet paw prints all over the floor. Maybe after Jen and Kona go home I'll tackle the floor a bit.

It's another beautiful almost spring day here. The sun is shining, snow is melting. I think I'll be sewing away in the studio. Jen will be quilting on Ruthie, and Raggs, Kona and Pat will be doing their things. Near perfection overall.

Happy Quilting All!


  1. What wonderful news and such a creative and clever way to announce it. Congratulations!

  2. Congrats!!! This is soooooooo exciting!! I hope it is a girl..a future quilter!!

  3. Bonnie,
    I am always amazed as to how many quilts you create. I wonder if I had a quilting machine if I would be so productive. Fantastic job as always!

  4. congratulations
    Amazing what you get done.


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