
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Reports from MQX

Gail and I are having a blast. We are eating great food --
We've taken some interesting classes --
We saw some interesting displays -- this froggy was made with cans of food, spaghetti noodle boxes and bottled water. It's part of CAN-struction a design/build competition that eventually benefits the local food bank.
Here's another -- a surfer in a pipeline (is that the right term? I don't surf at all!) and the wave with the foam on it.
We hit the show preview tonight and did a bit of shopping. Not too bad so far, but wait until tomorrow when I buy some thread. OOOOHHHH. Look at all the pretty colors!

Tomorrow's a long day. Several classes, more shopping and viewing of quilts and an evening class that is hands on.

Happy Quilting All!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having a great time! Keep the photos coming.


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