
Monday, August 23, 2010

What's Cooking

Sometimes I do cook. And here is the pizza I made this week.  My hat is off to Kevin for sharing his veggie pizza ways with us.  It was as yummy to eat as to look at. And, great the day after too. 

Raggs loves to take all of his toys out of the basket and spread them around the great room.  And, somedays he even likes his rag quilt (how appropriate!) It was a sample for a bigger one as I had never made a rag quilt.  But, I really didn't need to keep it so Raggs got it. Luckily he doesn't think all the other quilts around are for his enjoyment.  However, waste baskets are another matter. 

Less we think summer is cooling off --not so here in Virginia. This was Saturday -- the time was 6:16 PM.  And, yep, it's 90 degrees.  And humid although the car doesn't list humidity. This evening we are having rain, lightning and thunder after a hot, humid dat.  

I spent the day in the studio working on a new wall hanging project.  And, more work on the Million Pieces quilt. It was a great work day, hopefully tomorrow I will get all the little pieces done to sew the wall hanging blocks together.  It would be wonderful if I can get the rest of the Million Pieces blocks finished. I've not been working in the studio for the last few days so it felt great to see some progress.  Eventually I'll have photos to share. 

We are all waiting grand baby. Jenny and Brian are definitely ready.  The room is ready.  It's just baby who isn't ready.  I'll keep you posted.  Five days to her due date and Jen really doesn't want to wait that long!  

Happy Quilting All! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame Jen-I was only 2 days early with my last and I thought I was going to flip! look forward to pictures-both baby and quilt-y!
    Oh and the pizza looks scrupmtious-I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who is an 'occasional' cook! :)


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