
Monday, November 29, 2010

Design Wall Monday 11/29/10

Aimee was playing around with some of my extra bow tie blocks and came up with this layout. Hum, I never thought of offsetting the blocks. I still need to finish another bow tie top that I have been working on.  It got sidelined while I finished up the Million Pieces. 

The  turkey wall hanging was done and on the wall by Thanksgiving.  Yea.  Unfortunately, he'll be put away soon because it's time to bring out the Christmas decorations.  

We had a great weekend with Jen, Brian and Sophia and Aimee and Kevin.  Friday we went to see the new Harry Potter movie.  Brian, who doesn't really like HP stayed home with Sophia.  After the movie we all met at a wonderful Mexican restaurant. Yum.  Brought home enough left overs so everyone had at least one more meal.  And, of course, turkey left overs were and continue to be great. 
Here's Sophia and her mommy sharing some special laughs.  Sophia was great fun to have around. (Um, Sophia, how come you wouldn't fall asleep for your nap on Saturday? -- that wasn't so much fun!)  She's getting a real personality.  

Up today -- sew the rows together of the rainbow bow tie quilt.  Iron the backing. Load it on Ruthie and do free motion quilting. Oops... need to think of which thread to use.  Maybe a variegated thread.  I'll have to see what I have upstairs. Then on to the binding.  Hopefully the whole quilt will be done tomorrow.  

Don't forget to check other blogs to see what's on their design walls.  Visit Judy's Patchwork Times to start your tour. I'm off to breakfast and then sew.  

Happy Quilting. 


  1. yeah, Thanksgiving decoration time is too short. Kinda like Mardi Gras and Valentines Day, what do I do first and how long can it stay up........!!!

    Love the turkey!


  2. Well the sweet baby picture steals the show, but that turkey quilt is too dang cute too!

  3. Love the offset blocks -it's fun to see what happens when you do that!

  4. Between Halloween & Thanksgivings ,sometimes it feels like why put them up b/c I will have to take them down again too soon. I too feel the same way about Mardi gras and Valentines Day. To solve the problem I put the two together with just 1 or 2 extra designs for each. Main design stays up for a while.

  5. That turkey is just to cute. I feel like I only had my fall runner on the dining room table for like a week and it was time to bring out the Christmas ones.

  6. Love Mr. Turkey! He'll be around for next Thanksgiving, unlike the real feathered kind :)

    The offset bowties look great.

  7. Sophia is so cute. Your turkey quilt is great, too bad you didn't get to enjoy looking at it longer but at least its done and will have lots of wall time next year.


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