
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Still At It

This is the beginning of the quilting on the Million Pieces quilt.  I did this Wednesday I think.  I'm 2/3rd done now.  I'm so glad I took this photo as it will remind me how to quilt the other end when I get down to it, hopefully today. This is free motion and ruler work.  The center of the quilt I've used a pantograph.  It finally dawned on me that the handles are too low for me when I work from the back of the machines to do pantographs so I tend to slouch and curl up. Not comfortable.  I would probably be done with the center if I had done a free motion stipple on it.  After three passes my back hurts so I usually do that and then move on to do something else, laundry, reading or playing on the computer. 

Friday I went out and about especially to pick up some curtains that had come in at Country Curtains.  I also did a couple of more errands and ended up going to Sam's.  

I was pretty surprised to see these on the kitchen floor when I got home.  (I moved the knife from the living room to include it in the picture.) Raggs has been getting our kitchen towels off the towel bars and taking them around the living room when we aren't home.  Evidently, I didn't have any hung up so he grabbed one off the counter. (It must have been hanging off the counter slightly cause he is way too short to counter surf.) Any way, drying on the towel was this casserole and the grapefruit knife. Half of the knife handle had been chewed off.  The casserole survived the fall undamaged.  I was not amused.  

When we leave the house we make sure NOTHING is out for him to get.  If anything is available he gets it: books, catalogs, towels, baskets.  You name it he gets it -- including books off shelves which explains why there is nothing on any open shelves below 3'.   I'm getting pretty tired of it.  The crate is singing to me although Raggs would be highly insulted.  (and probably howl and slobber constantly while we were gone... not to mention chew on any part of a rug that might be within reach.) 

Here's the Halloween card I made this year for the kids. (Now that I'm sure they've received it I figured I could show it.)  I'm playing more with my Photoshop Elements and hope to show some finished products from that at some point.  And, I hope to redo my banner on this blog so it spreads across the entire top.  One of these days I'll actually do it. 

Today's plans:  iron and rehang the curtains that go in our bedroom.  Finish quilting Million Pieces quilt so that I can turn it and do the side borders tomorrow.  Not planning all that much as I know I won't get much more than that done.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. The quilt is progressing nicely.

    I would definitely not be a happy camper with Raggs' adventures. He is lucky the casserole dish didn't knock him out when it fell.

  2. Glad Raggs decided to chew on the handle rather than the other end of the knife. Your Million Pieces quilt is looking great. It is going to feel good to cross that one off the list.

  3. hope you got the quilting done that you wanted.
    Book bindings were our Annie's weak spot-drove me nuts. I feel your doggie training pain.


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