
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year and December Stash Report

A new year 
and no resolutions. 
I recently heard a life coach talking on the evening news.  She does not recommend making resolutions because most folks make unattainable resolutions that set them up for failure.  Not that I am much of a resolution maker any way but I'll use this excuse for no resolutions this year. I will be continuing my attempt to use more stash than I acquire.  And, I'm happy to say I succeeded at doing just that this year! 


Fabric used: 5 3/8 yards
Fabric purchased (acquired) :  1/4 yard
Net fabric USED from stash: 5 1/8 yards (yea!!!)
Year to date fabric used: 70 1/4 yards
Year to date fabric purchased: 65 yards
Net Year to date USED from stash: 5 1/4 yards

I didn't use as much fabric this year as last year.  Last year I used a bit more than 91 yards and my purchases were about the same.  So, using 5 yards more than I bought is great from my point of view. I was happy I could still pull enough fabric from my stash to make a New Years Eve  mystery quilt. 

Although I won't be making resolutions this year I have some quilting goals to share with you.  

      • Continue to finish UFOS
      • Continue to use more fabric than I acquire
      • Pick several quilts from my books/patterns to make 
      • Finish at least one applique quilt (of the 3 or 4 I've got going.) 

One of things I've noticed recently is that I don't often make from quilts from the many books I acquire.  I make a lot of mystery quilts which I enjoy but I'm still buying lots of books and patterns so need to use them too.  Therefore this year I'm going to make a list of 5 or so patterns that I want to make and I'm hoping to actually get them made. 

Check back for a parade of my finished quilts.  I'll be posting all the quilts I finished this year in the near future.  

Time to go back to really watching the Rose Parade.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I love the Rose Bowl Parade, a family tradition since I was young!! good job on your usage!!

  2. I used to purchase a lot of books (Quilting, Knitting, etc.) but discovered that I did not make anything from them. Now, I am seriously thinking about not renewing my crafting magazines as well. While I enjoy looking at the patterns, I might as well save my money and go to the library.

    Make sure you post photos as you complete your UFOs.

    Happy New Year.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.