
Monday, March 14, 2011

Design Wall Monday 3-14-11


Well, almost nothing is on my design wall.  

The top fabric is to be used to make something to give away at the June retreat for Faithful Circle.  I've grabbed the back two pieces as go withs.  Now to decide what to make.  I'm thinking of a wallet or purse type of something.  Hum.  Everyone going to the retreat gets the same fabric and we each make something.  Everyone gets to pick one of the items still wrapped, or one revealed.... it gets silly and fun.  You never know what will be the most popular items.  I have a few months to decide but I don't want to leave it to the last minute.  

My week was pretty non-quilt related.  A day out shopping and visiting another long armer. 

A day out with neighbors visiting the Picaso exhibit in Richmond.  A weekend with Sophia, Jenny and Brian.  A day working on Ruthie.  Not much sewing on the domestic machine. (which I laugh at as my regular sewing machine is a Bernina, that, I think was made in Switzerland, although evidently, not any more.) 

Ruthie and I quilted two baby quilts that were made by another guild member.  These baby quilts go to the local hospital's NICU. 

Here's a Sophia picture.  She's wearing the little shrug and hat I made and left with her last time I was up.  Darn those knitting patterns... this is way too big for her!  Of course, she is a peanut.  And, little one was grumpy a bit.  Saturday afternoon I was a human bed for her afternoon nap.  Her mommy got to sew on some nifty pillow shams.  (Rats, I should have taken pictures as one is almost done!) 

When we got home look what I found blooming:
Last Week's Goals: 

    • Quilt Super Duper Easy. Nope, didn't happen. 
    • Quilt 2 of the 3 baby quilts I picked up from the guild. Yep, 2 done
    • Make a couple of star blocks for the Just One Star Project. nope.
    • Start working on a different UFO. Nope.
    • Make some of the Sunday Best double bowtie blocks. One lousy seam. 
    • Make some more Chunky Churn Dash blocks. (See Quiltville directions) nope
    • Make a pillowcase or two for the Guild pillow case day. Nope. But I was able to spend an hour helping at the guild on Saturday morning. 

So, let's try again. 
• Quilt Super Duper Easy
• Make newest mystery for relay quilt.... mystery day is Thursday. 
• Make Some Star Blocks
• Sew 4 Pillow Case kits up.
• Sew 2 blocks for the guild opportunity quilt
• Make some double bowtie blocks
• Make a couple of chunky churn dash blocks. 
• Pull weeds in the garden every day... (Ha, not my favorite thing to do but maybe I could have some success if I publicly announce my good intentions!) 

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to see what is on a bunch of people's design wall.  Thanks for visiting. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. What a sweet baby pic! Such beautiful eyes :)

  2. Sophia is a sweet pea! Good luck on this week's goals.

  3. Don't despair at the size of the knits, as babies grow too quickly.

  4. I would have had nothing to show also if I had not made those two blocks.

  5. You could make check book covers and instead of check books use pocket calendars as the insert. You might even be able to pick up some of these free as several quilt shops in my area were giving them away. You have your week's goals often to you carry them over to the next week? I hope you had a bird or two singing during your time reading. We've had one sitting in a tree outside my office which beckens me to listen rather than sit in front of a computer :(! Sandi


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.