
Monday, March 21, 2011

Design Wall Monday 3-21-11

 Something new on the design wall.  YEAH! This is the mystery day quilt.  It looks more yellow here but it is definitely green. My background was a yellow green to blue green batik that had magenta splotches on it. Late yesterday afternoon I  started sewing the rows together.  And, I pulled a fabric for borders although I'm not sure it will work.  I'll take them to natural sunlight and see what I think. 

Here's Super Duper Easy Mystery from March, 2010. (Yep, knocking something off my UFO list!)  Check the sidebar for a link to Mysteries for Relay if you want to join in the mystery fun. I tried some new things on this quilt -- a new pattern from one of Dawn Ramirez's Pajama Quilters DVD and non-regulated stitching. Yikes.  That unregulated stitching is going to take some practice but it goes faster.  I'm down to the bottom row so today I hope to finish the quilting on it.

These blocks are for an opportunity quilt for Country  Piecemakers Guild.  I made a booboo on cutting the background and there wasn't enough to enable me to finish the block.  Sigh.  Darned if I didn't make the same mistake on the second one but only once.  Double Sigh! 
Did you see the super moon Saturday night? It  appeared 14% bigger and 30% brighter than the smallest full moons, according to  Friends outside of DC were complaining they couldn't get decent shots of it because of city lights.  So, I went out and snapped a few photos with my little point and shoot.  Heck, not too bad!

And, as always on Monday, my goal evaluation: 

• Quilt Super Duper Easy -- Well on its way!
• Make newest mystery for relay quilt.... mystery day is Thursday. See above -- sewing rows together
• Make Some Star Blocks  one
• Sew 4 Pillow Case kits up. one (got to get out the serger for these... they'll look better.) 
• Sew 2 blocks for the guild opportunity quilt one and 3/4
• Make some double bowtie blocks yeah, man, about 8 are done
• Make a couple of chunky churn dash blocks. Ok -- one or two
• Pull weeds in the garden every day... (Ha, not my favorite thing to do but maybe I could have some success if I publicly announce my good intentions!) Oh yes!  not every day but many days I pulled.  Of course, they keep popping up.  

Little Snoopy Dancing for being diligent and working on what I set as my goals.  Woop! Woop! 

This week's goals: 
• Finish Super Duper Easy (heck the binding is ready to be put on.) 
• Sew rows together on current mystery and plan borders (nope, borders are not always included in these mysteries...) 
• Keep working on the double bow ties... I only need 16. 
• Quilt the Valentine Quilt and finish it up! 
• Keep making chunky churn dash blocks. Design the quilt top so I don't make too many blocks! 
• Non quilt goal -- dust house and vacuum all the floors in the downstairs.  (Hey, it worked for weeds, maybe it will work for cleaning!) 

Remember, it's design wall Monday -- head over to Patchwork Times to see what's on other quilter's walls.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Everything looks so pretty! Great moon shot, I looked but couldn't see much difference where I was.

  2. The mystery quilt is dramatic and definitely draws the eye into the center. Nice job.

  3. Love the pink quilt. You've been very busy!! Nice work.

  4. Pink quilt is going to be beautiful.

  5. Good progress this week! Good luck with your new goals.
    PS...loved your comment on KT's blog post...made me laugh.

  6. Really like your scrappy star quilt. The mystery quilt is going to be dazzling when finished. I did see the moon and it was a WOW!

    I am a huge fan of the Pajama Quilter and I am getting more and more confident with each quilt I do. Yours looks great!

  7. Ok so now I included the same goal for my floors...I have acres of hardwoods..You inspired me. And BIG WOW TO THE QUILTS loved the photos..much!


  8. Lots of beautiful projects on your plate! Love your PJ quilting - it looks fantastic!

  9. Love that quilt on the machine...can you show us your quilting up close??!

  10. Love both your Mystery Quilts. The pink and green one really has a neat optic illusion going on!

  11. Your mystery pink/green quilt is such an amazing illusion quilt. Very neato!

  12. Love your mystery quilt. Those are great colors!

  13. Lovely mystery quilt, great fabric and pattern choice.

  14. Love the Mystery Quilt! Unregulated quilting....seriously? Nichole Webb made me do it during a class once and I was furious(not mean...just didn't understand). I told her my machine had a perfectly good stitch regulator and I'm not afraid to use it! LOLOLOL


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