
Sunday, May 1, 2011

April Stash Report

April Stash Report

Fabric used:  4 7/8 yards
Fabric purchased (acquired):  9 5/8 yards
Net fabric ADDED from stash: 4 3/4yards BOO
Year to date fabric used: 22 3/8 yards
Year to date fabric purchased: 36 1/2 yards
Net Year to Date Acquired : 14 1/4  yards

Hum, going the wrong way on this stash report.  I hit a too-good-to-be missed sale early in the month.  And, I needed a couple of backings and some fabric to finish the double bow tie.  Unfortunately I didn’t get as many of my finished tops quilted as I should have.  But, watch for some finishes in May!  (I can dream can’t I?)

Slightly overcast today when I took this picture but the quilt looks nice.  The quilt is flat, there's a bump in the fence where I put the quilt.  This was Mystery #18, Just Squares, with Mysteries for Relay.  I really like this quilt and it will be hung in the "Pink" room soon.  Although this magenta is a bit bold for the room, although thinking about it I think the carpeting is this same color but I've been calling it raspberry sherbet color! 

I went to Arts in the Park in Richmond yesterday.  I didn't buy a whole lot but I did get a cute scarf for Raggs.Here he is modeling it for me to take the photos. Now that I have this one I can make him a whole wardrobe of them.  He doesn't seem to mind wearing this one.  He wasn't happy about the ones that you tie on.  Yikes, this guy needs his summer hair cut.  Honest, there are eyes in that head of hair! 

The last thing I bought was this garden statue.  I was hoping to sneak it in to the garden without Pat realizing... but Raggs had to go check it out and draw attention to it.  Right now bunny is living in the rose garden.  I might move him to the front garden one of these days.  

Not much sewing going on today but I'll be back to it tomorrow.  Sorry to report but some of my sewing right now is a secret.  So I won't have much to say about it or how I'm doing on it. Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Raggs is handsome in his star-specked scarf, but then he is always handsome.

  2. I'm glad your well and safe over in your neck of the woods....I was worried with all the talk of devastation from the US tornados plastered over our news. Cute bunny, but even more cute dog...I love his shaggy coat....Oh, and I love the pink quilt too....

  3. We are big on pink around here and are coveting your quilt! LOL

  4. Make pillowcases for the women's crisis center, quick easy and use up a yard or so of fabric you will probably not use anyway.... then the in and out tally will lean more to OUT.... really like the quilt.....


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