
Monday, May 16, 2011

Design Wall Monday 5-16-11

I didn't get much sewing time this week.  So, I'll show you a new hand project I started. 
Yep, I've fallen for hexagons.  I've made two flowers.  And, I've got 2 or three flowers ready to sew together.  These are going to be sewn to small squares rather than making a quilt totally from hexagons.  

Each flower will be from a different fabric.  Most of the fabric is from two 1800s reproduction fabric lines that are from the Smithsonian. 

Here are some suggested back grounds.  What do you think?  The one I like best in person doesn't show particularly well on the camera.  It's right above this paragraph.  There are very fine vines on that background fabric.  The gold one looks pretty good on these pictures.  Decisions, decisions. I need to cut out the pieces so I can start sewing the finished flowers down. Then I can pop out the hexagon papers and reuse them.  No way am I hand cutting bunches more of those things! 

Now on to my weekly goals.  Was I productive this past week? 

Goals for 5/9/11
Get Ruthie back working. Almost there…
Finish quilting Jenny’s quilt. See above…
Quilt Happy Quilt. See above …
Gather goodies to send with needle case & mail them. Gathered but not mailed.
Put borders on Easter Quilt. Oops.
Make quilt for doll quilt swap. A little further along
Start on the 4th of July banner UFO. Finished. YEA!
Pick fabrics for workshop at June retreat. Second oops.

I was trying to decide why I got so little done this past week.  Wed was our tea and craft group.  Thursday sun screen film was applied to the windows and one was right where the sewing machine usually sits.  Friday a group of us were out and about for almost the whole day.  Saturday Sophia, Jenny & Brian came and stayed until midmorning on Sunday.  I really could have sewn Sunday afternoon but it was such a gorgeous day that we took a walk, worked on the roses and read our books.  A lovely leisurely afternoon. So, a not very productive week -- quilting- wise.

Goals for 5/16/11
Get Ruthie back working.
Finish Quilting Jenny’s quilt.
Quilt Happy Quilt.
Mail needle case swap.
Put borders on Easter Quilt and get it ready to quilt.
Finish doll quilt and get it ready to quilt.
Make something for the retreat gift swap.
Pick another UFO to work on. 
This sounds an awful lot like last week.  Hopefully I'll have less oops and more finishes! 

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to see what is on design walls across the country. 
Happy quilting all.   

a final picture of Sophia and Pat looking at the magnolia tree in the back yard. Photo by Jenny and a much better camera than I have! 


  1. I don't have the patience to do those flowers but they sure are cure.

  2. Love your flowers. I like the middle background the best, the flowers really shine on that one.

  3. These are so beautiful. I am going to pick up my yo yo project for "to go" handwork but the hexies are so tempting!!!

  4. The flowers are very pretty. I think I like the bottom fabric, it actually looks like a path.


  5. How fun - those little flowers look neat!

  6. ahhh...hexies my new love :)
    I made a little browned eyed susan wall hanging by machine button-holing the flowers to background material:


  7. this is a little freaky...last night while listening to an audiobook I started working on Hexi flowers, how weird is that? I'm not sure I'm loving making them tho' I think they look fantastic, love yours (and mine)
    I'm going to give 'em a few more tries before giving up tho. Keep posting your progress love the pictures
    Sofia is just too adorable.

  8. Well first of all - I LOVE the pic of Sophia - that one is a keeper. Secondly - a word of caution - the hexies are addicting. I've done a tumbling block and now a pinwheel in that same method and they just keep going and going!

  9. I've started GFG by hand twice. I give and now live vicariously through others!!!! Can't wait to see this develop.

  10. What size do you cut your hexies? I just got a GO cutter and have decided to make something with hexies as a hand project, just to get me off the computer in the evenings. HA!


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