
Monday, August 22, 2011

Design Wall Monday 8/22/11

The same two or three things are on the design wall this week.  So, I'm not showing them to you.  Sorry.  What I will show is the quilt I took off of Ruthie yesterday.  This hasn't been a great week for me getting things done.

I used Quilter's Dream Blend batting, So Fine thread and did a free motion flower looking thing.  The advantage of free motion quilting is you can usually move so much faster.  The disadvantage is the bobbin keeps going faster and eventually will spin back on itself causing the thread to break.  This isn't a problem when I used Magna Glide Bobbins because the magnet in the bobbin doesn't spin.  Unfortunately those bobbins are a bit expensive compared to winding your own.  But, I really like how they function in the machine. Note to self: buy a few more colors of magna glide!  
Next up is the red and white baby quilt which I hope to do this week.  

Goals for week of 8/15/11
Add borders to Komen donation quilt
Make and send blocks for FCQ Equilters
Quilt and bind Red & White Baby Quilt
Quilt any of the following quilts: Quilts for Kids quilt, Winter Rail Fence, Chunky Churn Dash
Make a couple of practice dog bandanas
Go to Sew-In at the library
Decide on next UFO to work on

It wasn't a great week for me according to the list of goals. (There is a definite reason I make this list and refer to it during the week.)  I had several days of non-sewing activity, including having my MacPro laptop checked out.  I also had a trial run on a manicure for the wedding.  Love the new gel polish but not the color I chose. Today it has been on one week and there is not one chip! Wow.  Of course, it has grown out a bit from the nail bed but not all that bad.  I will definitely have this done again right before the wedding.  Unfortunately there aren't a lot of colors to choose from.  Sigh.  Also went to the monthly tea in the neighborhood. Had a hair cut with a new gal. And spent most of Friday sewing for a guild craft show.  I'm making dog bandanas.  I got several Halloween ones made in two sizes, I just need to sew one seam on them.  (They need thread to match the top and bottom and I didn't bring all that much thread with me!) 

Goals for week of 8/22/11
Celebrate Sophia’s first birthday party
Shopping for less formal dress for Kevin’s wedding
Eye appointment and order new glasses 
Quilt and bind Red & White Baby Quilt
Finish a few of the dog bandanas
Put binding on Chunky Churn Dash & Winter Rail Fence
Add borders to Komen donation quilt (honestly, I don't think I'll get to these 2) 
Make and send blocks for FCQ Equilters
Knit on sock

It may look like a long list but it doesn't have all that much sewing on it.  I'll be up with Sophi over the weekend.  I'm out shopping today. Why is it so hard to find the right dress for the wedding?  Last week I returned one of the two dresses I bought.  Same dress, different sizes.  I returned the larger one as I am losing a bit of weight except this weekend when I seemed to eat a bit more than normal. (OK, so I went for ice cream last night...) My hopes are that I find a dress that is a bit more casual today.  I've recruited my shopping buddies to help me find something.  I tend to be overwhelmed at stores and think there's nothing there for me.  So hopefully with a couple of extra pair of eyes I'll have better luck. 

Yesterday we ordered the wines and beers for the wedding.  Here's one of the wines we tasted and ordered. Less than 3 weeks!  I'm looking forward to seeing a bunch of friends we don't see on a normal basis. 

Check out design walls across the country/world by visiting Patchwork Times. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. You are sounding pretty organized to me - wow - a lot going on. Weddings seem to always be going on, especially three weeks before. Hand in there - Judy C in NC

  2. Looks like a busy week with a fun party for Sophie!! I hate shopping too, takes me forever to find something. Usually I have my girls do the shopping for me, they do it much better than I can, and they like it. But sometimes you actually have to go and try things on, this sounds like one of them. Good luck finding a dress!!

  3. I am with you on the shopping. Sounds like you have a hectic week!

  4. Love the quilting designs and now I know why my bobbin thread keeps breaking on the longarm!! I love the batting and thread you mentioned, too.

  5. Like your floral quilt motif. Good luck on making progress on your design wall projects. With a wedding in your future it has to be hard to look over how things have been going.

  6. Love the churndash. That is next on my list to quilt.

  7. I'm glad it's you dress shopping and not me. I have the hardest time finding dresses. The ones I see are either too young sleeveless things or frumpy granny styles. I'm somewhere in between those two.

    Good luck with your search.


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