
Monday, September 19, 2011

Design Wall Monday 9-19-11

I'm back and I have some new things to share. The wedding was lovely, the bride and groom were beaming as was the sunshine.  Kevin and Aimee are in Thailand learning to scuba dive and riding elephants. 

Here's what's on the design wall bed: 
These are the blocks I received this year from the FCQEquilters.  They made enough so that I could make a twin size comforter and a baby quilt.  Both will be donations. 

I'm making progress on the center of this applique.  It will be donated to the Komen Foundation and auctioned in Baltimore.  I hope to get my part finished and in the mail this week.  All the triangles are made but I'm still sewing them together as a leader/ender project. 

These blocks are the current FCQEquilters requested block.  Wow, these are really easy.  I'm going to have to find some more pastel fabrics to go with the sweet baby clothes.  And, heaven knows I have lots of the brights.  
I have one more project I started yesterday.  I had gathered the fabrics over several years.  I'll try to remember to post it next week when it actually begins to take shape.  It will be another donation to the local NICU. 
No goals last week and it sure was obvious.  I think I finished 2 books though as I wasn't very motivated to sew or quilt. 

Goals for week of 9/5/11
Make bandanas for Homer and Cassie
Prep binding for the red and white quilt
Mani, pedi and hair trim
Get the wrinkles out of the dress for the wedding Um, didn’t work really well…
Finish cleaning house
Enjoy Kevin and Aimee’s wedding weekend

Goals for week of 9/19/11
Mail blocks to New Zealand
Finish up my round of the Komen donation quilt
Cut out quilt to take on retreat
Return some shoes and a dress
Make and mail pinwheels
Finish NICU top
Quilt Quilts for Kids Quilt
Quilt NICU top

And last but not least -- guess who took some steps on her own this past week? 
Not at the wedding but at home.  She was a big hit at the wedding too. 
And, here's Cassie wearing her Wedding 5K t-shirt and her bandana I made along with the bride and groom's legs. 

Go visit Patchwork Times to see design walls across blogland.  I'm off to do a bit of sewing and to get breakfast. 

Happy quilting all. 


  1. I had to really look at the 2 quilt photos to figure out how they were the same blocks...very cool!

  2. Great looks red/blue blocks! Your floral applique is just beautiful!

  3. You sure do have a lot going on. It all looks great. Have fun.

  4. Love your applique. It's so pretty!


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