
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wedding Day 9-10-11

Aimee, Kevin, Homer and Cassie grace the wedding cake... 

Where are we sitting?  

Sophia was a popular photo subject. 

Cassie got to attend the wedding even if she mostly spent time in her crate in the house. 

Aimee and Kevin during the photo shoot. 

Aimee is one smart girl! 

I basically put my camera away during the ceremony and the party afterwards.  So until I can get photos from Jenny and some other friends I'm done with wedding day pictures! 

I hope to share photos of our day in Richmond but I don't know how many photos I took.  Today, I plan to spend in the studio.  I've got bandanas to finish and blocks to do for Fran and the Komen quilt center to get done. Plus I have a retreat in two weeks to get ready for.  I'll be busy over the next few weeks. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Congratulations! It looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Love those green tennis shoes!

  2. Congratulations to the happy couple. You all look so beautiful and joyous!!

  3. So glad the bride was sensible and REALLY enjoyed her wedding - my grand-daughter M wore flip flops. I wish I had cause my feet were hurting. Beautiful day for all I am sure. Judy C in nC

  4. Oh Bonnie ...these pics are WONDERFUL!!! Thanks so much for sharing the day with us!


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