
Monday, November 28, 2011

Design Wall Monday 11-28-11

Not too many Design Wall Mondays left this year.  See what others are working on by going to Patchwork Times. Here's what is on my wall.  YEAH! Progress is being made on this quilt! 

I have one more block nearly done but ran out of time yesterday.  I need to make at least 9 more, possibly 13 more.  I'm hoping I can get by with a 1" coping border.  Beth sent me a formula to use but it was coming up with a 5" border.  I realized the applique part is 26" and I could add 3 9" blocks and they would equal 27".  So, couldn't I do a 1" border and have it work?  That's what I'm thinking.  Of course, I'm going to have to find more of that luscious goldy yellow.  I don't have much.  Or, I have a print that all the colors were taken from.  I may need to audition it as the little border.  Or at least use some of it in the blocks.  I think the blocks need to be a bit lighter -- what do you think?  And more pink.  Do you have any favorite 9" blocks you'd like to suggest.  I'm hoping for something more involved than a 9 patch but not a million pieces! 

Goals for Week of 11/21/11
Make a snap purse
Finish blocks for beige and turquoise, sew into top made some but don’t know how many more I need!
Add another round to pink floral quilt √ at least the next row is started
Sew rows together of 16 patch quilt
Finish clue 3 and start clue 4 of Carolina Christmas
Pick a UFO to work on Do I need another one to work on?
Have a great Thanksgiving

Not too bad overall.  Do I really need another snap purse? Maybe not. 

Goals for Week of 11/28/11
Make secret little quilt for a swap…
Layout beige and turquoise quilt, start sewing rows together
Make more blocks for the FCQ Equilter’s Komen quilt
Finish Clue 4 of Carolina Christmas, start putting blocks together
Make a quiltie
Baby sit Sophia
Sew with Sharon

I'm traveling this week so I may not get all of these goals completed -- but I should be able to work a bit on all of them.  I'm looking forward to snuggle time with Sophia.  I haven't seen her for 6 weeks. I wonder what she is saying now! 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. What a beautiful applique bouquet! "Contentment is a list half-crossed-off," said Gladys Taber. Hope you achieve contentment this week!

  2. The yellow complements the block very well.

  3. A beautiful applique block. I think the one inch border works.

  4. Your goals for this week sound fun -- especially the ones that involve Sophia and sewing with Sharon! What's a quiltie?! :)

  5. Hi! Greetings from Finland! Your quilts are so fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world! :)


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.