
Monday, November 7, 2011

Design Wall Monday 11-7-11

Eureka!  I finally figured out what was driving me crazy about this quilt that I am working on. 
See those bright turquoise and navy print strips.  YUCH! I've been steadily working on this quilt and have lots more done but I still wasn't thrilled. Saturday night I ripped all of those pieces out and Sunday I added a few more pieces.  Ah yes, so much better.  Although, honestly the whole thing looks awful in this picture.  The design wall isn't big enough, the cork behind the flannel is red, I have to pin the bottom pieces... honestly, the quilt looks much better than this shows! But it does show that I need to move some pieces around. 

This quilt is headed to Alycia Quilts for Quilts of Valor.  Did you read her post last Monday? Her cabinet is bare.  She needs quilts for the folks on her waiting list.  This seems a perfect quilt to send her -- masculine colors, a subtle cowboy theme (in the main fabric which I haven't used much on the front) and it will be easy to get it to the right size.  And, I'm using up some of my stash! No, it isn't done yet but it is my primary quilt until it is done. 

Do you ever sew something, leave it in your machine as an ender and the next time you come back you have NO IDEA what it is for?  Yep, that happened to me. Here's my mystery piece.  Yesterday I had no idea why I sewed these two pieces together.  This morning I remembered. I want to try Elaine's rebuilt log cabin so I am making a few log cabin blocks to try it out.  Duh.  Check out Elaine's tutorial on her blog. 

Goals for Week of 10/31/11
Finish binding on Quilt for Kids
Wash, package up and send Quilts for Kids quilts
Keep plugging away on beige and turquoise
Sew rows together on 16 patch quilt
Load red, white and blue twin size quilt on Ruthie& it’s quilted!
Make lavender wreath 

Not too bad as I actually finished quilting the red, white and blue. Below is what I'm going to work on getting finished this week. We'll see how successful I am. 

Goals for Week of 11/7/11
Package up and send Quilts for Kids
Trim and bind red, white and blue twin
Finish beige and turquoise top
Piece backing for beige and turquoise top
Quilt two baby quilts
Finish counted cross stitch ghost ornament
Add two sections to the pink floral quilt.  Add triangles to square it up 

Yes, I started to do a little counted cross stitch.  I have a halloween tree with a few ornaments on it.  Not very attractive ornaments at that.  So I borrowed some patterns from Diana, a cross stitch queen if I've ever met one.  I gathered the supplies and started ... er, in early October.  For a while all I could do was one or two 18" strings a night. But, surprisingly, last night I got fired up.  I have the head and outline stitching left to do.  Yippee.  It will be done in time for next year.  I have a little candy corn I want to do also.  But the big motivating factor is I want to do a cross stitch Santa on a sweatshirt.  I've had the sweatshirt for years.  I had at least half of the floss.  So while shopping the big sale at JoAnns yesterday I bought the rest of the floss and another piece of waste canvas.  I'm ready to start after I finish the ghost.  I sure hope I am motivated to get it done before Christmas but don't hold your breath.  I tend to flit from project to project.  But, I might get really serious about this after I get my quilting projects done this month... I'll keep you posted. 

Do you like to see what is on other design walls?  Go over to Patchwork Times to  link to other's design walls. I'm going to finish this up and add my link.  Happy quilting all! 


  1. Now that's a cool log cabin block! I have to try that. :-)

  2. Bonnie, you've got a lot going on there, too!! I really like your re-do on the QOV quilt. Very pretty!! :)

  3. Great guy quilt, it is funny how one fabric can drive us nuts.

  4. I have 2 QOV ready to go, as well. We gotta work faster! 8-)))

    I'll have 37 finished blocks for viewing in the next few days! Thanks for the mention and I'm looking forward to seeing what you might have. 8-))

  5. As always, you're at top speed! I'm not having the same reaction of yuck that you were with the teal and blue :) Days are flying toward Christmas, aren't they? Have fun with your stitching.

  6. Great choice on your change. You are making lots of progress.

  7. I agree that your change in fabric was perfect.

    Two QOV were mailed this morning to Alycia. I need to get busy and make some more.

  8. Wow, you are busy! You know I kinda liked the teal that you ripped out, maybe not spaced so close together but sprinkled here and there, it's a nice little surprise. But I understand completely when a fabric drives you nuts like that, it's just gotta go. Can't wait to see it all done.

  9. Your qult will be a cool guy quilt. It's always good to fix the stuff that's going to drive you crazy before you get too far along.

  10. I see what you mean about those strips. Much better. I love cross-stitch. My eyes won't let me do the fine small stitching that I loved to do... but I still long to get a piece out and try. Oh well! Now I quilt.

  11. Hi Bonnie, just dropping in! I like the beige and teal strips, it will be perfect for Quilts of Valor.

  12. You'll feel better about working on that quilt now that you've solved your "what's bothering me" problem. Looks great.


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