
Monday, December 26, 2011

Design Wall Monday

Nothing to show on the design wall but I can show you a finished Christmas present. 

No, not the tree, the tree skirt.  This was a gift for Kevin and Aimee.  The green print was fabric that Kevin and Aimee got during their honeymoon in India.  I purchased the go-with fabrics on the trip to Mary Jo's.  The backing came directly from the stash.  They were thrilled to receive it especially with the fabric from their honeymoon. 

Here are a couple of photos taken on Christmas day.  We all gathered at Kevin and Aimee's house for their first Christmas. This year Sophia understood Christmas a bit more than she did last year.

She was fascinated with the curling ribbon. And, wow, her first bike according to Uncle Kevin.    

The two turkey cooks! Or perhaps cookers of the turkey. 

And this last picture -- Four Dogs and a Toddler.  Kona, Homer, Cassie, Raggs and Sophia.  

Goals for Week of 12/19/11 Yikes less than a week ‘til Christmas!
Finish secret Christmas present.
Find pattern, start and finish another secret project
Bind a third secret project and mail it out 
Send off FCQ Equilters blocks for Joan
Finish Christmas cards and mail Partly done and mailed, 12 or so to go √
Wrap presents
Last minute shopping?
Work on Carolina Christmas
Work on black and white
Work on FCQ Equilters Komen donation quilt  didn’t do anything on this one

Goals for Week of 12/26/11
Finish Christmas cards and mail
Make 4 blocks for FCQ Equilters Komen donation quilts
Make more log cabin blocks
Work on Carolina Christmas (finish clue 4)
Cut fabric for Planet Patchwork’s New Year’s Day Mystery
Start the Temecula Quilt Store 12 Days of Christmas Mystery
Begin working on another secret project. 

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to visit Design Walls across the internet.  I'm hoping to spend a lot of time in the studio -- some sewing going on and some neatening of the space. 


  1. What a great post!! Love the little tree skirt ... nicely done!! And Sophia is just darling! How old is she? She's precious! :)

  2. Such concentration on that angelic face!

    Great to see the tree skirt in use and photos of your celebration.

  3. So sweet that you used their fabrics from India in the tree skirt. Makes it extra special!

  4. The tree skirt looks great with the tree. A very smart way to use their honeymoon find.

    Your Christmas looks like it was joyous. May you have an equally happy New Year.


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