
Sunday, January 1, 2012

December Stash Report and the Beginning of the New Year

Month of December and the end of the year report

Fabric used:  7.5 yards
Fabric purchased (acquired):  6 7/8 yards  
Net fabric used:5/8 yards    
YEAR To Date 
Year to date fabric used: 72 yards
Year to date fabric purchased: 186.5 yards
Net Year to Date Acquired : 114.5 yards

Just to put this into perspective let's look at the last few years of fabric in and out. 
Year       Fabric In          Fabric Out          + / - 
2009      91.75              91.                    +.75      great year! 
2010      65                   70.25                - 5.25    super year! More used than acquired. 
2011      186.5              72                     +114.5  ARGH -- Too much fabric in and not enough going out.  However I was pretty consistent in amount of fabric used these last two years. But I need to up the number of quilts finished so I can use some of this stash! Or give it away.  

Now on to an exciting addition to my quilting life in 2012.  I have been selected to be a member of Quiltmaker magazine's 2012 Scrap Squad.  Yippee.  I'm looking forward to working on 6 quilts for the magazine during the year.  If you don't know what the Scrap Squad does each member makes the same quilt from an issue of the magazine before it is published.  I've got the directions for the first quilt and have pulled the fabric.  So look for more secret projects in my goals each week.  

Here's a peak at the 12 Days of Christmas Mystery.  I've got 8 blocks to show you now. Although Temecula Quilt Co. sold kits to make this little gem, I'm super pleased with my red and whites.  

After seeing another blogger show all the empty thread spools she had to show for a year's worth of quilting, I decided to do the same thing.  So, here's the thread I've used up this year.  Hum, doesn't look like all that much considering this is both piecing and quilting on Ruthie.  But take a look at this next picture.

Last year, Pat bought me two cones of thread from Connecting Threads.  One was silver grey and the other was black.  So, yes, I have been using a lot of thread but it was only the silver on my big cone.  I unwrapped the black today to show how much I've actually used of the silver this year.  Yep, quite a bit.  I figure I'll finish the silver by about May or so.  Then I think I'll use some of the beige cotton thread I have hanging around before I buy more.  And, the poor black?  I have two additional large spools that I haven't made it through yet so I don't think this cone will be seeing any use for a while! And, I seldom use black unless the quilt is mostly dark.  Grey is my preferred piecing thread. 

Happy Quilting Everyone! 


  1. Congratulations on making the Scrap Squad. Does that mean your quilt(s) will be featured in the magazine?

    I love your 12 Days blocks.

  2. Bonnie,
    I love your mystery blocks in red & white. Great idea. Have a Happy new year.

  3. Congrats on being on the Scrap Squad! I saw the 12 days blocks on Temecula Quilt site, but haven't done it, I like your red and whites-would be a nice little decoration for Valentine's day.
    happy new year!

  4. Wow Bonnie, congrats on the scrap squad thing. I love seeing what everyone does with different colorways!! I finished Larry's quilt and gave it to him for Christmas. I finished hand stitiching the binding the day after, LOL. I actually pinned the binding in place with safety pins so I could wrap it and gave it to him that way, he he. Happy New Year!!

  5. Great job this year. Can't wait to see your scrap squad quilts

  6. Yay for you on being selected for the scrap squad! You are just going to blow them away. I still test patterns for them for the 100scrap blocks magazine and love dealing with them.

  7. I've never heard of the "Scrap Squad" until today. Wow, what an honor to be chosen. Looking forward to seeing your versions of their quilts.

    By the way, I like your red white choice on the 12 Days quilt, too.

  8. I didn't know about the Scrap Squad either. Sounds like fun! Congrats. :-)


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