
Monday, January 30, 2012

Design Wall Monday 1-30-12

 A very productive week.  Here's what I was working on yesterday  -- 

The borders are on the Planet Patchwork New Year's Day Mystery.  Yikes that pink looks, well, really pink.  
Unfortunately this was a narrow fabric so I actually had to piece all four borders.  But doing it on the diagonal helps hide the seam and I can't tell where the seams are from this photo.  
I hope to get this on Ruthie today so that maybe I can have another finished quilt for January.  I've been buying a little fabric so I need some bigger finishes if I don't want to start the year out by buying more than I use! 

I also decided to start the Small Quilt of the Month challenge on Kathy Tracy's Small Quilt Talk group on yahoo.  She announces a quilt from one of her books each month and members make that quilt.  If we are diligent we'll have 12 little quilts made.  I wasn't going to make it but decided to give it a try yesterday.  I'm making this Mourning Quilt with just 4 blocks -- Yikes these greens seem really bright to me.  I think they are a bit more subdued.  Last night I cut out 3 more blocks.  I'm using some fabrics that are reproductions from two quilts in the Smithsonian's collection.  One is Little Sister quilt and the other is Rising Sun, if I remember correctly.  I've had what is equivalent of a Layer Cake for many years. (Heck, over 15 years... yikes time flies when you are having fun!)  I've only began using them in the last 2 years or so.  

For my Leader Ender project I'm putting the pieces together of my Carolina Christmas, a former mystery on Quiltville.  I'm working on putting together the sub units that eventually become this unit. I'm getting very close to getting all the sub units done so I can make these blocks.  Then, it's putting it all together. I look forward to getting it done before Christmas! LOL.

Last week's goals -- almost all done and some even more than planned! 

Week of Jan 23, 2012
Quilt Twister quilt
Quilt 12 Days of Christmas quilt √ and bound
Sew secret project together √ and quilted
Spend 15 minutes a day cutting scraps into usable sizes not too many times this week
Clean the oven (ok, set it so it cleans itself but I hate the smell of it…so avoid it frequently!) √ And did the racks too!
Clean top two shelves in the refrigerator (blah!)
Finish putting the rows together of NY Day mystery
Post at least one more blog during the week

Week of Jan 30, 2012

Make binding and bind the still secret Scrap Squad quilt
Quilt and bind the NY Day Mystery quilt
Make 3 more of the Mourning Quilt blocks, put it together, quilt it
Quilt Twister quilt
Finish clue 5 of Carolina Christmas
Back to working on the FCQ Equilter’s donation quilt 5 blocks needed
Clean 2 more shelves of the refrigerator
Clean the stovetop really well

Have you checked out what other folks are working on?  Remember to check out Patchwork Times.  Judy has her QOV quilt along top posted.  Hum, I have some of those stars from a different project.  Maybe I'll make I'll set them this way rather than put them with the other blocks which don't look right together.... just thinking here...  

Happy Quilting All! 

Sigh -- either my iPhoto or blogger is messing me up here.  All of my pictures were cropped to just show the blocks -- not the extra on the side.  But I reloaded them twice and each time I get the original picture which isn't showing in iPhoto.  Sigh.  And, spacing, and... oh well, it is what it is. B.


  1. OK, now it is only 8:30am and I am really tired just reading your post and completed goals. But I love what you have been working on. I did notice that the Twister quilt was moved from first in last weeks goals to 4th in this weeks. Poor thing. ;-)

  2. A produtive week indeed. All of your projects look great. Love your Carolina Christmas blocks. Good luck with all your goals this week.

  3. I think I need a nap- I can't even think of keeping up! I like the Carolina Christmas block, I bought fabrics for mine back when Bonnie posted the pattern but it still needs to be started!

  4. A great week. I like that mystery quilt... I like the pink ;-)

  5. Oh, dear, Bonnie, I have that same fabric - I bought it when our first quilt shop opened, and carefully put it away to use together on a special project. Oops, I think I need to figure one out and use it. I think it was 1995 or so. I like your green together. I know the original fabric isn't that bright.

  6. I have that New Years Mystery Quilt saved in pdf's! Yours is very cute. I love that little mat I see in your next post!

    Man, you've got lots going on. Definitely some fun stuff!

  7. Look at you! Terrific job with your goals last week. And your Carolina Christmas block is stunning. And the pink is sweet -- I like it! :)

  8. How wonderful that you checked nearly everything off of your goals from last week!

    Here's to another productive week.

  9. It is indeed pink. But I like it! My goodness you've been busy. :-)

  10. you've been busy haven't you. I am so in love with your Carolina Christmas blocks- just gorgeous!!!!!!

  11. Some one is being a busy Bee!!!! :):) love it all!! Hugs

  12. I think we are on parallel quilting paths! I am hoping to machine quilt my mystery this week too. I made a mini block that looks exactly like yours, and I'm still working on my Carolina Christmas blocks! I actually just found the box that has the alternate blocks!

  13. gotta love a busy productive week! great stuff. I've not started K.Tracy's little quilts projects even though I have the books and want to-trying to keep my focus. I love the green in your block


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