
Monday, January 9, 2012

Design Wall Monday 1-9-12

First -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEVIN... 29 years ago my son was born.  Hope your year is fantastic. 

On to the design wall... 

Sorry, not much to show you.  I am working on something that can't be shown for awhile.  

But here are the three quilties  I received from the swap last month. First is by Tove in Phoenix, Az.

 And, last by Sandy Rowe.  Hers was a bit bigger than the rules but it is so darn cute.  All the bells tingled and jingled when I carried it down from the studio.  Love the buttons too. 

Last Week's Goals

Finish the 12 Days of Christmas Mystery √ at least all blocks are done
Put the Chip and Strips top, mystery from Planet Patchwork √ all blocks are done
Baste and quilt Twister Quilt um, no, didn’t happen
Make practice block for secret project
Cut out the rest of the secret project and begin stitching √ 6 blocks done more cut out
Make 4 more blocks for EFCQuilter’s Komen donation quilt √ I’ve lost count – need 5, maybe 6 more as I duplicated one of the blocks.  Bummer.
Yuck, vacuum the downstairs.  √ and even did a great pre-clean up vacuuming of the studio.  

Week of Jan 9, 2012

Make heart block or two
Make sample blocks of BOM for Guild
Write up and print out instructions for BOM
Make and mail out BOM for Faithful Circle Quilters
Keep making blocks for the secret project… at least 6
Keep making blocks for the Komen donation quilt
Clean off cutting table regularly
Spend 15 minutes a day cutting scraps into usable sizes
Make star blocks from Carolina Christmas as leader/ender project

There you go folks.  Our second design wall of the new year. Go to Patchwork Times to see other design walls.  

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. cute little quilts you have there! Happy BDay to Kevin!
    were does the time go. I have a 29yr old son too. geeze-louise!

  2. Great little quilts. My son turned 29 in October. Guess that makes us middle aged. lol

  3. The little quilts are darling: I do love the bells and buttons on the last one.

    I have all of the blocks made for the 12 Days of Christmas but I can't decide if I want to remake a couple of them in different fabrics. Sashing fabric is picked out, but the borders are giving me fits. I know I should just close my eyes and pick.

  4. love the post cards, how cute. Good luck with your goals for the week.

  5. Very cute little quilts--how fun to get those in the mail. Good luck on reaching all your goals. I need to spend 15 minutes a day on my scraps too!

  6. Im glad you loved your quilties...Im doing the grand post now!! It will be up in the morning!! Hope you will join in again..hugs

  7. Nice quilt additions; especially like the third one. Girl, you got a lot done!

  8. You received some nice things...don't you just love the mail person?

  9. I enjoy your blog! You are brave to put your goals and accomplishments out for the public!


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