
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Coming Soon -- Scrap Squad Quilt

Yes, the newest issue of Quiltmaker is now available on new stands and at your favorite quilting stores.  That means that sometime over the next few weeks I'll be showing off my version of Chain Reaction.   You can read more about the Scrap Squad on Quiltmaker's blog, Quilty Pleasures.  As Jean F. said in a comment 

  "Yay to the Scrap Squad members!! Go forth and be scrapalicious!!!!!!!"

Don't you love that word?  Scrapalicious  and doesn't it look fabulous in red! 
Stay tuned for my first Scrap Squad quilt.  I'm not sure when I will reveal it but it's coming soon to this very blog!

Chain Reaction was designed by Lee Heinrich. You can read her blog Fresh Lemons.  She's got some wonderful tutorials you might want to check out. 

I'm off to the Y, a little shopping, a little vacuuming (bleh!) and then some quilting.  

Happy quilting all! 


  1. Can't wait for the reveal. I know your quilt will be wonderful.

  2. How exciting!!! And yes Scrapalicious is a fun word, I think each letter needs to be a different color (scraps of letters :)

  3. I saw your picture in the newsletter this morning and thought "Hey, I know her"!!! Great picture by the way. I can't wait to see your version. Congrats to you!!!

  4. I'm honoring you with a Versatile Blog award - why?? cuz you're Scrapalicious! You do such great work and ya make me smile :)

  5. Congratulations! And how exciting for us from Fabricaholics Anonymous to be able to say..."oh, we knew her when"

  6. Ohh...this is sooooooooooo great! I can't wait to see the quilt..and great pic of you on Quiltmaker's blog!!


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