
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day of SCervice

Pat and I are members of our local alumni association... Univ. of Southern California Alumni Club of Richmond, or something like that.  Yesterday we participated in the Day of SCervice that is actually happening today in Southern California and across the country where alumni clubs are located.

Our group chose the Central Virginia Food Bank.  We arrived at the location on a beautiful spring day.  

Surprisingly, I was the only one who had thought to bring a camera.  Well, except all the cell phones with cameras.  I tried to get photos of everyone helping out and a group shot. 

Mike and Pat giving the traditional USC victory sign before we started our 3 hour shift. 
Covering hot food.

 Pat and I were bagging bread with little cups of spread. 
Scooping coleslaw into cups.  Later the staff fired up a machine that heat sealed some plastic over the cups.  Pretty interesting actually. 
By the time we were done we were all very happy to have degrees from a good university.  Cutting, bagging and sealing loaf upon loaf of bread wasn't very stimulating.  Of course, I was extremely happy I am retired.  The staff was so appreciative of our efforts.  Pat and I were totally exhausted and I don't think I've recuperated yet! I'm quite happy to make charity quilts rather than pack food.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. What an interesting post. Even though it was tiring, it looks like you had a good time.

  2. You and Pat are impressive. With all you have going, you still have time for community volunteerism! Congratulations!

  3. That's great, Bonnie. I do meals on wheels. I have been doing it for 20 years this may.

  4. It is such a good feeling to help and the food banks do amazing work. When I was a stay at home Mom I did meals on wheels, I'm looking forward to doing it again when. I retire.

  5. And actually, the Day of SCervice also included alumni groups in Hong Kong, London, Australia, South Africa and China with, at least, registered events....


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