
Monday, March 12, 2012

Design Wall Monday 3-12-12

Here's design wall one:

These are the 6.5" blocks Sharon cut for me when she was visiting.  I've been adding the sashing as my leader/ender project.  Unfortunately, I haven't done any piecing since Wednesday.  So this hasn't seen a whole lot of action, although as Jenny was sewing I tried to keep her supplied with these pieces.
Jenny finished the quilt she was working on so she could leave it for me to quilt it, hopefully in time to bring it up to her next week. Her quilt is on Design Wall 2. This is for a friend's first baby.  Her friend picked the polka dot border from the colors in the scraps Jenny was using for the bugs and flowers. Sophi's little outfit didn't get started at all. But, I still plan on making it. Of course, I have a customer's quilt coming in this week and a bunch of charity quilts to do too.  Hopefully I'll be able to do it all in a reasonable amount of time! 

I did spend time on Ruthie yesterday.  Pat bought me this "groovy" board and stylus for Christmas.  I realized pretty soon that I need at least two of each  board.  So he helped me line up the board and move it for this little quilt.  This board is a big and little circle.... way cool looking.  
When we were done I took the quilt outside in hopes of getting a sharp picture of the circles.  Unfortunately, I am snapping photos with an old iPhone as my camera broke so I wasn't able to get great photos for the blog. 

(Sorry for the look of this blog.  Blogger wouldn't let me format it the way I wanted to... I thought it best to get it done and posted rather than fight it.) 

So how did I do on my goals?  Not too well! 

Week of Mar 5, 2012
Plan, sew and write directions for bom
Make log cabin block for Quilt Bees
Decide on block for FCQ Equilters
Make snowman block for last month's FCQ Equilters 
Continue on Scrap Squad #2 and Snowball kid’s quilt √
Make a dress or play outfit for Sophia
Make and mail some bright hearts for quiltville hearts

And this week's goals.... 
Week of Mar 12, 2012

Quilt Jenny’s quilt
Bind blue and green X quilt
Send out info on FCQ Equilter block
Make snowman block for last month’s FCQ Equilter
Continue on Scrap Squad #2 and Snowball kid’s quilt
Start play outfit for Sophia
Take a day trip with Jennie & Diana

(Yeah! I finally have figured out how to get less spacing in the goals list that I 
write up in Word.) 

Don't forget to visit other design walls by first visiting Patchwork Times

Happy Quilting


  1. Like your projects, especially the circle quilting you and Ruthie worked on. Awesome!

  2. The baby quilt is certainly cute. I love the bugs and flower blocks!

  3. Really cute I spy quilts. You are a busy bee!! Have fun this week. Hugs

  4. I love Jenny's baby quilt! The design is fun and the colors wonderful!

  5. so how do you like those groovy boards? Are they as easy to use as one would think they are??? Love the snowball quilt, all those cute fabrics. And the bug and flower quilt, just adorable :)

  6. Sometimes the "to do" list is longer than the week, isn't it? I have almost given up on making those lists. Love the snowball quilt.


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