
Monday, March 19, 2012

Design Wall Monday 3-19-12

This baby quilt is on the design wall.  All the rows are done.  It will continue to be my ender project while I work on Scrap Squad #2.  Sorry I can't show photos of it yet.  Heck, haven't been able to show photos of #1 yet either... but it should be sometime over the next few weeks. 

I have joined a modern quilt bee with 11 other gals -- most are younger quilters with a few older quilters thrown in.  Many are new to quilting.  Heidi started the group and sent directions and fabric for the first block.  The concept is to send out fabrics and block directions to each person. They make the block you pick in your fabrics then return it to the "Queen Bee" of the month.  Here's my first block -- Heidi's choice. The block is a 20" wonky log cabin.  Hum... I probably should not have done the traditional lights and darks.  It was a lot of fun to use Heidi's fabrics.  I did throw in one of my own fabrics.  And, it looks like I have a sq of white fabric on the block... oops. I was in a hurry. Next month Jenny is the Queen Bee. 

It doesn't look like I did much toward the goals last week...
Week of Mar 12, 2012
Quilt Jenny’s quilt√
Bind blue and green X quilt
Send out info on FCQ Equilter block - made a sample but didn’t send info….
Make snowman block for last month’s FCQ Equilter - didn’t finish but have backgrounds ready and snowmen traced on wonder under….
Continue on Scrap Squad #2 and Snowball kid’s quilt√
Start play outfit for Sophia - traced pattern…
Take a day trip with Jennie & Diana√

But I actually did some things that weren't on the list.  I quilted a twin size charity quilt for Faithful Circle Quilters. I put sleeves on 2 quilts. I organized what I am entering in the FCQ show.  I received two more quilts to quilt on Ruthie. And, probably the most important thing I did -- YEAH -- I got a new camera.  Now photos should be much sharper than coming from my older iPhone. 

Week of Mar 19, 2012
Visit Jenny, Brian and Sophia
Attend Faithful Circle Quilt Guild meeting
Help Set Up Jenny’s new sewing area
Make Sophia’s play outfit
Continue working on Scrap Squad #2

This list is short as I am leaving shortly to visit Jenny, Brian and Sophi later this morning.  I'm not sure how much I'll get done sewing-wise although we probably will be doing some sewing, hopefully cut out and make Sophi's play outfit.  
Don't for get to visit Patchwork Times to link to what others have on their design walls this morning.

Happy Quilting All 


  1. I find that I have to work extra hard to have something to show on DWM when I am working on secret stuff. I have one going on now that I am really happy with but can't show. Soon. Love the baby quilt, by the way.

  2. You can show us a sneaky piece of the scrap squad quilt.....I hope you are enjoying being a member,I thoroughly enjoyed it last year.
    Sweet baby quilt too.

    Happy sewing

  3. Love your baby quilt! That log cabin block is really great - I love the colors she chose!!

  4. Oh yeah, that baby quilt is precious!

  5. Cute baby quilt! Can't wait to see what the scrap squad is up to!


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