
Monday, March 5, 2012

Design Wall Monday 3-5-12

It's Monday again!  How did that happen? 

My design wall is a repeat of this day -- except add a block to the applique quilt and add some sashing to the snowball blocks, well and another complete column. Yep, I'm making progress quite nicely. You can see lots of other Design Walls by visiting Patchwork Times.  And, although I can't show you, I am making progress on Scrap Squad #2.  But, from what I know, my first scrap squad quilt has not been "revealed" so I can't show it to you yet either.  But here's what I can show you: 

 Not too long ago I won a copy of Sonoma Rose by Jennifer Chiaverini on A Quilting Life by Sherri.  Wow! I was surprised to have it delivered on Saturday from the publisher.  Really, 2 day air delivery?  I love that it arrived fast but honestly, regular postage would have been fine!  I can't wait to start reading it.  But, I want to finish another book first.
And, surprise, surprise! I woke up to snow on the ground.  It's pretty well quit snowing now and the dogs really want to go out side but I'm not letting them.  The fence is down while we are having some work done in the back yard.  After Kona visited our neighbor's dogs yesterday both dogs get to stay inside until I am ready to take them out! 

I did pretty well on my goals this past week.  It could be because our planned company couldn't come so I got more sewing time.  But I sure missed seeing Lisa and Kirk. 

Week of February 27, 2012

the FCQ Equilter’s donation quilt 4 blocks needed Two more done
Finish sewing down the binding on NY Day Mystery
Begin next Scrap Squad quilt
Keep up on the Baby Quilt
Find my X Block Ruler√ YEAH after a week of searching it has been found!! 
Take another guide class for the new sewing machine
Quilt green & blue X block quilt

Week of Mar 5, 2012
Plan, sew and write directions for bom
Make log cabin block for Quilt Bees
Decide on block for FCQ Equilters
Make snowman block for last month's FCQ Equilters 
Continue on Scrap Squad #2 and Snowball kid’s quilt
Make a dress or play outfit for Sophia

Make and mail some bright hearts for quiltville hearts
Jenny, Brian and Sophia are coming on Thursday for the weekend.  I'm hoping Jenny and I can make an outfit for Sophi as stated above. I've got two patterns and the fabric all picked out.  I'd love to embroider a little lady bug on the yoke but I haven't figured out how to use the embroidery unit on my machine nor how to download a new design.  Sigh.  I did open the box and look at the unit. I've downloaded the software and looked at it.  I need a tutorial or a good embroidery chat group.... any suggestions?  
Sorry there aren't more and better quality photos today.  My camera died again, after Pat valiantly tried to repair it.  In fact it did work again but it isn't consistent so now I'm taking photos with my older iPhone.  
Happy Quilting Everyone! 


  1. How exciting that Sophia is visiting this week AND that you are going to make her some outfits. Can't wait to see photos.

  2. Congrats on Winning the book. I finished it last week. Now I have to wait until the next one comes out in the Fall. Sorry Your camera died. Have fun cuddling up with a quilt and your new Book to read.

  3. It's funny how we can have so many quilting projects going at once but only read one book at a time. I'm the same way. My girls can read multiple books at the same time, but only 1 crafty project in progress at the same time - go figure. So... how's the new machine???? name?? bubbles?- thought that was great.

  4. Oh I bet you are looking forward to this weekend and all the fun that will ensue!! I can't wait to hear what you think of Sonoma Rose! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of it!! And I'm sorry your camera is still giving you issues!! :)


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.