
Monday, April 2, 2012

Design Wall Monday 4-2-12

Nothing I can show on my design wall... well, I could show you the picture of this project with a few rows sewn together... but I'm happy to show something new!

Remember I had make FCQ Equilter blocks on my goals list for a while?  I finished them.  It was fun trying the background technique combining the two fabrics with an easy curve.  I used the buttonhole stitch on Bubbles.  Also tried the tight satin stitch on something -- I think the tree. Yeah! Mark that off the list! 
Here's the completed top made with the X block from Anita Grossman Solomon's Rotary Cutting Revolution book.  
On to my weekly goals.  I did really well on the list from last week.   

Week of March 26, 2012
Go to Smithsonian’s tour of quilts√
Quilt Kay’s baby quilt√
Continue working on Scrap Squad #2√
Bind blue and green X quilt√
Make snowman block√
Send info FCQ equilters on next block√
Make a few more blocks for Equilter’s donation quilt… 

Week of April 2, 2012
Continue on Scrap Squad #2  -- I’m going for a twin size quilt!
Finish sewing top of  Flamingo Baby Quilt together
Quilt one charity baby quilt
Make a couple more blocks for FCQ Equilters’ charity quilt – need to finish this 
Find some new sandals

Not that many things on this week's goals but I really need to make sure SS #2 becomes a top this week.  Once that happens I can get to some of the other items on the list.  Have you checked out other Design Walls this nice Monday morning?  Go to Patchwork Times to catch up with everyone.


  1. love the X block quilt. You really did get a lot accomplished last week-always such a good feeling.

  2. How many SS quilts do you need to make this year?

    Great list of goals and accomplished goals.

  3. Isn't it great how neatly Alicia's block comes together. I love her techniques and your quilt is great. That is the third snowman BOM I've see so far in the quilting net - I like em. THanks for sharing.

  4. Love the X blocks. They turned out great :)

  5. Your quilt blocks are so adorable. The x block is makes a really great quilt... you went to the Smithsonian quilt Tour of quilts? Do tell!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I had congratulated you on your use of directional fabric but became miXed up and mistakenly referred to your blocks as Arrowheads. Anyway, what a fabulous top!

  8. Fun snowmen. Congrats on being able to take a few things off your to do list.


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