
Monday, May 28, 2012

Design Wall Monday 5.28.12

Another week zoomed by and I didn't get a lot of quilting/piecing done.  We are about to embark on a kitchen remodel (starts Wednesday) and everything has to be out of cabinets in the kitchen, hallway, and laundry room and a bathroom.  

The piecing I got done or at least a start on is a set of batik rail fence blocks.  These will be swapped at the FCQ Retreat I am going on starting this Friday.  We are to make blocks that have only cool colors in them or only warm colors in them.  I've finished more of the cool colors than the warm colors at this point. I did buy fabric for this swap as I have some batiks but not a whole lot of them.

I've gotten some things done on Ruthie also.  I finished one baby quilt that I will be donating to Country Piecemaker's charity.  No pictures to show you of that.  Then I loaded Heidi's quilt made by the Bee Quilters.  She went first and had us make big wacky log cabin blocks.  With 12 people in the group and large blocks she ended up with a nearly queen size quilt.  I am hoping to finish it and take it up when I leave Thursday. I'm using my spiral groovy boards and it is looking great with that pattern.  This is going to be a fun, colorful quilt.  

Week of May 21, 2012
Finish quilting twin charity quilt for FCQ
Start quilting Heidi’s quilt
Pick up old Bernina from spa week… not happening for a couple of weeks.
Take dogs in for check ups
Cut out projects for retreat at beginning of June √some done
Cut Scrap Squad #3… not started at all…
Get baby quilts done on Ruthie if possible√ one done, one to go
Not too bad especially since I didn't mention empty kitchen... 
Week of May 28
Finish Heidi’s quilt
Remove everything from kitchen cabinets
Pack up 3 projects for FCQ retreat
Make block for 1800 block of the month
Trim twin charity quilt and bind
Trim baby charity quilt and bind
Travel north safely
Finish one of the stars tops, hopefully both 

I will be up in Maryland a few days beyond the retreat helping Jenny.  Brian will be down in Virginia most weeks for about 4 weeks for work.  Bummer.

I'm off to take some more things out of the kitchen and stash somewhere else.  I'll be posting pictures during the remodel but not a lot at the first.  And, just to add to the chaos around here we are having our floors redone while we are on vacation in mid June.  FUN! 
Don't forget to stop by Patchwork Times to see what is showing up on design walls around the internet.
Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Kitchen remodel, bless your heart :) Hope it goes quickly. Love the quilt you have on your frame, can't wait to see it quilted.

  2. The rail fence blocks are so bright and cheery. Your to do list is much more ambitious than mine. Good luck!


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