
Monday, June 18, 2012

Design Wall Monday 6-18-12

My design wall didn't go on vacation with me so today I'll share the fabrics I bought on Saturday in Lancaster County.  Pat took me to 5 quilt stores and I bought fabric from 4 of them.  Yee haw!  I had made a list of what I might look for and brought all sorts of fabric pieces so I could get things to go with  what I already had. 
Hum, lots of beige looking fabrics... here's the run down -- the first three are for this quilt.  I want to make it at least a big lap or possibly a twin size.  It will go to QOV or the Virginia Quilt Project.  I'll decide after I get it finished.  The green is a Moda Marble that I keep using and using up what I have so I got a few more yards.  The black with stars will be the back of the next Scrap Squad quilt.  I bought the beige and the white on white (hey, so my lighting was horrible and it looks beige!) are more for my stash.  The next one is actually black an white for the log cabin I haven't been working on lately... sigh.  Finally the last piece is a blue that I will make into pillow shams for our bed.  
But that's not all!  I bought a bit more. The two orange pieces are for backing the last two quilts tops I did here and here. Hum, I may change my mind about an orange with the second quilt.  The far right fabric is a fat backing for the quilt linked above.  And, if not I'll use it for something.  The crazy dinosaurs I'm hoping will work with a stripe fabric I made into blocks at my retreat last October.  We'll see if it really looks ok with it.  The blocks are 8 1/2" finished so I may make big pinwheels of the dino fabric.  

Weekly Goals... every single one of last week's goals was accomplished!  Yippee! 

Week of June 11

Work on Scrap Squad #3

Clear all the furniture off of hardwood floors in preparation for the floor refinishing
Knit on new sweater for Sophia
Help out at Kevin's house for part of a day
Stay with Jenny and Sophia 
Vacation and see the Beach Boys 50th anniversary concert
Shop at some outlet stores
Week of June 18
Load up the truck with dried red maple wood
Spend two more days with Jenny & Sophia
Pick up tomato plants and shampoo at Kevin’s
Figure out where to put stuff in back bedroom so that Lisa and Kirk can visit
Clean house as much as feasible
Sew if at all possible!

Not all that much on this week's list as we'll be gone during the beginning of the week and enjoying company plus Jenny, Brian and Sophia at the end.  It should be interesting with no kitchen and the kitchen stuff all over the second guest bedroom! But we're looking forward to seeing our friends Lisa and Kirk and they are definitely good sports about things. 
I've written this post early and scheduled it to go up Monday morning.  I won't have internet access to link it up with Design Wall Monday right away but hopefully I'll eventually get it up so go the DWM web site and visit design walls around the internet! 
Hum, darn it this didn't post automatically this morning.  So I'm doing it now! 
Happy Quilting All.


  1. Fun fabrics, love the oranges and the dino prints.

  2. oh what fun!!! Great idea making a list before you go. I'm heading to a quilt show this weekend and the list might just help. Well at least I'll get a few things that I need to mix in with the other impulse buys :) Love your fabrics. I have some of that star fabric :)

  3. Look at all those checks behind last week's goals - good for you!

    Love all the fabrics, especially the black with starbursts.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.